Agenda and minutes
Venue: Pittville Room - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Rosalind Reeves, Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Godwin. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: Councillors C Hay and Smith declared an interest as Board Members of the Leisure and Culture Trust and Cheltenham Borough Homes. |
Approve minutes of last meeting PDF 33 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2014. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Report of the Cabinet Member Corporate Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member Corporate Services introduced the report and explained that the Living Wage was an hourly rate set independently of government and updated annually by the Centre for Research in Social Policy. It existed because almost 5 million people were currently paid below the Living Wage (20% of all workers) and it was a national initiative created 17 years ago to address poverty. The Living Wage was not about specific roles or jobs but was based on the amount an individual needed to earn to cover the basic costs of living. The Cabinet Member Corporate Services reported that within the South West as at November 2013 3 councils have implemented the policy, 3 were firmly committed, 16 were actively considering it and 7 were doing something else such as wider reviews of pay and grading structures whilst 6 have decided to take no action. The Cabinet Member reported that as at November 2013 neighbouring authorities Cotswold decided not to commit at present, Forest of Dean had committed to implement this year, Gloucestershire County Council and Tewkesbury were considering it whilst Stroud and Gloucester City have already implemented it. It was therefore proposed that Cheltenham’s status moved on from considering to implementing and it was recommended that the date for implementation be 1st October 2014. He explained that the date of 1 October 2014 would allow local CBC implementation not to fetter the discretion of what will be the newly formed Leisure and Culture Trust in making its own decision. The Cabinet Member Corporate Services hoped that the adaptation and implementation of the living wage would perhaps enable an increased number of the council’s lower paid employees to both live and work in the town. In addition it would potentially lead to reduced absenteeism, increased productivity and improved employer of choice perceptions amongst future employees. In response to a question the Cabinet Member Corporate Services clarified that the Living Wage would be paid as a salary supplement.He confirmed that the rate was set annually in November, and as such the supplement could be considered alongside the budget and Pay Policy Statement each year, and any revised agreed rate paid annually from 1 April each year. When asked whether the pay differential at the bottom end of the scale would be affected the Cabinet Member Corporate Services said that this would not be the case as it would be paid as a supplement.
The Human Resources Manager said that there were currently no employees below the Living Wage but there would be if there were any new appointments at the minimum of Grade B although this was likely to be very few. She clarified that the pay grades would remain the same as the Living Wage and would be paid as an allowance, therefore the integrity and fairness of the Council’s Job Evaluation Scheme would be preserved.
A question was asked as to the impact on casual and agency staff. In response, the Head of Human Resources clarified that ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Any other business the chair determines is urgent and requires a decision Minutes: None. |
Date of next meeting (if necessary) TBA Minutes: TBA |