Get Involved
There are many ways you can get involved with Cheltenham Borough Council. Listed below are some of them.
- Attend a council meeting and access meeting papers
- Ask a question at a council meeting
- Speaking at planning committee
- Speaking at licensing committee
- Start a petition
- Respond to consultations
- Subscribe to updates
- Be a councillor
- Watch our ‘be a councillor’ animation
- Watch a webcast
If there is a live meeting happening now, you can watch it on our YouTube channel. Recordings are kept online for 4 years. If you can't find a meeting or are experiencing problems watching a webcast, please contact our democratic services team by emailing Democratic Services or by phoning 01242 264246.
Visitor guidance
If you are attending a public meeting, please ensure you have read our visitor guidance.
Security measures at public meetings
From 01 January 2025, as a member of the public you are no longer required to pre-register if you wish to attend a public council meeting at the Municipal Offices. You will however be required to sign in on arrival and provide contact details. Security officers will continue to attend some meetings, and enhanced CCTV will be in operation in the public gallery and foyer areas. The CCTV footage and recordings will be held by the council for five months. For more information please consult our privacy notice.
Please note, access to the Municipal Offices for wheelchair users or anyone using a mobility aid is via the Royal Well entrance at the rear of the building, with a lift to take you to the ground floor where the committee rooms are situated, and a further lift to help you into the Council Chamber, if required. Hearing enhancers are available in our main committee rooms for the hard of hearing. Please email Democratic Services or call 01242 264246 in advance if you are likely to require any additional assistance when attending a meeting.