Agenda item
Development of the corporate strategy 2015-16
Discussion paper by the Strategy and Engagement Officer
(consider the draft strategy and comment as necessary)
Richard Gibson, the Strategy and Engagement Manager, introduced the draft Corporate Strategy 2015-16 action plan. He referred members to item 4 of the discussion paper which posed a set of questions for the committee and advised those members that had not been involved in the process before, that this was their opportunity to provide input before it went to Council on 30th March for approval. This was an important document which set out a priority list of actions for 2015-16 and a performance framework of milestones and measures. The current strategy formed part of a five year plan which has now come to an end and this was seen as an opportunity to start afresh and reduce the number of outcomes from nine to four. The document includes background information, which sets out what the council wants to achieve and why, as well as who was responsible for delivery and measuring range of direct service measures and outcome measures.
The Strategy and Engagement Manager and the Leader of the Council gave the following responses to member questions;
• There are no specific actions identified for improving air quality. He would consider whether there was anything that could be captured but not everything could be included and it was more than likely that this was covered in the Local Transport Plan.
• The sections on measuring performance will be updated before Council. It was likely that most of this information was already in the system. The council would not be doing a piece of work in an area where a positive difference could not be achieved.
• The context section of ‘Cheltenham’s environmental quality and heritage is protected, maintained and enhanced’ would be amended to include a reference to the areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
• This corporate strategy only covers a period of 12 months, given the current position in relation to 2020 vision and the upcoming general election, etc, but the vision statement was longer term.
• The corporate strategy does not include everything that the council is doing. It focuses on the key projects and activities where we are intensifying our activity to deliver the outcomes.
• CBC has committed itself to place-making, as it has a democratic responsibility to try and influence those that that can help deliver better outcomes for residents of Cheltenham.
• The corporate strategy, JCS, Local Plan and Tourism Plan needed to mesh together and present a coherent message for Cheltenham.
• The reference to reducing the demand for social prescribing related to patients presenting at GP surgeries with non-medical needs (housing, financial, legal issues, etc) and being referred onto the relevant providers. A group of providers had been bought together and this approach will be evaluated as part of a county-wide evaluation of different models.
A member felt that the vision statement should describe what sort of place we wanted Cheltenham to be rather than how we wanted to act. He felt that this was a missed opportunity to promote the town to those looking to live, work, study or travel to the Town.
The Strategy and Engagement Manager asked that members contact him directly with any further queries or comments.
The Chairman thanked the Strategy and Engagement Manager and Leader for their attendance.
There were no recommendations.
Supporting documents:
- 2015_03_02_O&S_corporate_strategy_paper, item 9. PDF 37 KB
- 2015_03_02_O&S_Draft_corporate_strategy_document, item 9. PDF 188 KB