Agenda item

Updates from scrutiny task groups

Review of progress of the scrutiny task groups


The Committee reviewed the update of all scrutiny task groups and which had been circulated with the agenda. The chair also referred members to some additional updates on proposed scrutiny topics which had been circulated at the start of the meeting together with a briefing note from Cabinet.


The chair invited the Cabinet Member Corporate Services, Councillor Jon Walklett, to give an update on the ICT network issue which had been referred to O&S by Council in October. Councillor Walklett  informed the meeting that the council had received a notice of compliance in the previous week. The Director of Resources, Mark Sheldon will be reporting to the ICT Review Working group in December. His requested to attend the meeting as an observer was noted.


Councillor Driver informed the meeting that the BBC has contacted her as a follow up on the report of the sex trade in Cheltenham carried out by the scrutiny task group she had chaired. . She has kept the Cabinet informed on this and referred the reporter to the report which went to Cabinet together with the update report on how the recommendations were being implemented

The following are new topics for scrutiny which were agreed at the meeting:


Section 106 Agreements – consultation and enforcement; working party to include Councillors Driver and Britter. Councillor Driver indicated that some of the enforcement issues may be picked up by the scrutiny task group looking at a deprivation in the town centre so there would need to be liaison between the two groups. There will be a request sent to all Councillors for additional members.


Performance measures at Cheltenham Crematorium and Cemetery – Now and in the Future – this topic had been proposed by Councillor Ryder. The working group to include Councillors Chris Ryder, McCloskey and Driver: There will be a request sent to all Councillors for additional members.


Recording of Council Meetings – at the special meeting of Council on 18 November 2013, Council resolved to set up a scrutiny task group to consider the issue of recording a Council meeting on a permanent basis. It was agreed that the ICT working group receives a report on the viability of recording Council meetings depending on what funding is available. The funding available was to be clarified with the Cabinet Member Finance before the start of the review.

Issues referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee by Cabinet:


Public Arts Panel – The Cabinet Member Leisure and Culture, Councillor Rowena Hay had requested that the Committee should review the current structure of the panel and its accountability.


Rewiring Public Services – The Leader, Councillor Steve Jordan had proposed this topic to the committee. Councillor Colin Hay to join a  on a scrutiny task group co-ordinating the process of determining the CBC view on the document issued by the Local Government Association which puts forward ten proposals for changing the relationship between local and national government.


Pub Closures. Awaiting completed scrutiny registration form from the proposer, Councillor Hay

Supporting documents: