Agenda item
21/02534 Kynance, Swindon Hall Grounds, Church Road, GL51 9QR
The case officer introduced the application.
Public Speaking
A neighbour, speaking in objection, said that the documents associated with the application are factually incorrect - all properties in Swindon Hall Grounds are either bungalows or 1.5 storeys high, including Kynance, referred to as a two-storey dwelling. The proposed building is overbearing and out of scale – a large four-bedroomed house, with a vastly out-of-scale ancillary building which could clearly be used for accommodation in the future. It is mis-positioned, being north facing, towards The Little Manor; it could easily face east, like other properties in the surrounding area. It will cause loss of privacy, light and sound pollution, particularly to The Little Manor, with 11 windows facing that property. The excessive felling of trees will result in nearly half the trees on the site being felled. A smaller footprint, 1.5-storey, east-facing dwelling would remove all objections.
The applicant spoke in support of his proposal, focussing on the context and background. Kynance has been his family’s home for 47 years, and having relocated to Cheltenham and been unable to find a suitable property elsewhere, he decided to explore the option of building a family home in the grounds of Kynance. As keen environmentalists, it was important that the new dwelling blend in – this was the architect’s brief – and the use of natural stone, cladding and landscaping, together with tireless work with planning consultants and addressing neighbours’ concerns, including a turning head which will improve access for all. The result is the best possible proposal. Some of the trees were already due to be felled, and new planting will mitigate their loss and improve the area. He said his sole objective was to put down roots, and to nurture his new home and the land around for decades to come.
Member questions
In response to questions from Members, officers confirmed that:
- the proposal is classed as a self-build scheme, even though it doesn’t appear on the register; it will still need to go through the normal process;
- regarding the proposed outbuilding, the red dotted line in the drawings shows
what is there now – various outbuildings and sheds – and although the proposed is larger than the existing outbuildings, it has reduced in footprint and height during the process, and now sits comfortably between the houses;
- regarding the trees, some of them need to be felled for this proposal, but others were already due to be felled, as unsound or causing other issues;
- a planning application would be required to change the use of the proposed outbuilding from workshop/garden store to a dwelling; a specific condition to ensure this isn’t needed;
- the distances from the new dwelling to its neighbours are set out in the officer report at para. 6.37. These exceed policy requirements.
Member debate
Members made the following points:
- the turning head won’t benefit all the neighbours, as stated by the applicant – it will benefit the residents of the new house only;
- this is essentially backland development, and contravenes JCS Policy SD8, which requires new development to make a positive contribution and have regard for the distinctive elements of the historic environment. This does not – it is very large, dominant, will cause additional traffic up a narrow road, plus construction traffic for 12-18 months which will be harmful to the neighbourhood. It also detracts from The Little Manor, which is a listed building;
- it seems a reasonable application, but a smaller scheme, facing a different way would have been more sympathetic.
The officer confirmed that glazing was considered under Condition 15, and that an additional condition could be added to ensure the outbuilding remains ancillary to the dwelling if Members wish.
Vote on officer recommendation to permit, with additional condition
8 in support
1 in objection
Supporting documents:
- 21-02534 - Officer report, item 5e PDF 339 KB
- Representations 21 02534FUL Kynance, item 5e PDF 60 KB
- 21-02534 report update, item 5e PDF 10 KB
- Kynance, item 5e PDF 3 MB