Agenda item

End of Year Performance report

Report of the Strategy and Engagement Manager


The Strategy and Engagement manager introduced the report which reviewed the corporate performance of the organisation at the end of the financial year 2017/18 and invited comments and observations from the committee.  This was also an opportunity for the committee to make requests for any further information which would help them review performance in the future. The oversight of performance by overview and scrutiny was an important part of the process and their feedback was very valuable. He highlighted the progress against the 82 milestones set out in paragraph 3.1 of the report and invited questions and comments from Members. The following issues were raised:


  • ENV7 was listed as a red risk and this raised a concern about the apparent lack of collaborative working with the county council (GCC). This seemed to cause difficulties for councillors trying to resolve highways issues in their wards. Any perceived lack of communication between two local authorities was a concern regardless of political party and the public just wanted their issues resolved.
    - The officer was not in a position to comment further but would be happy to take away an action to circulate more information in liaison with the MD place and growth. .  
    - The Leader invited to speak by the Chair added that the sheer volume of work for GCC and the level of expectation did cause issues. He was more than willing to work with the county and the council was awaiting feedback on their offer to devolve some of the county’s transport responsibilities to the Borough Council.
  • The council's involvement in the Cheltenham Spa railway station was raised where there were difficulties in engaging with Network Rail particularly regarding parking nuisances to local people in the area.
    - The Leader advised that the council was represented on a stakeholder group for the station working with Network Rail, Stagecoach, GWR and the county council and they were encouraging the rail companies to maximise consultation with local residents.
  • Regarding ECON 2 to promote cyber-growth the Leader clarified the bidding process and that the council were currently working with the developer, the LEP and the county council on an acceptable package which would release the funding for the road infrastructure work.
    - the MD Place and Growth added that it was a 3 year programme currently in mid year one and there was an expectation that there would be much clearer project outcomes in four months time.
  • The Director of Planning advised that there would be some changes to the Local Plan before it is submitted and these would be discussed with the Planning and Liaison Member working group as set out in the resolution of the Council meeting.
  • The request to use inclusive language when talking about improvements to the public realm was noted.
  • The Leader confirmed that within the public realm any surfaces would be weight-bearing where there was vehicular access.
  • A Member raised a concern that ‘domestic abuse awareness week’ in COM7 was not a celebration event and did not correctly reflect the 16 days of action.
    - The officer noted the need to be careful with language and highlighted that COM7 referred to a range of community building and celebration events and the events planned in connection with the 16 days of action were all designed to raise awareness of this issue. He would be happy to have a discussion with the Member outside the meeting to discuss events planned for November.
  • ECON 4 - 7 – the officer confirmed that the council was working with other partners to develop the tourism strategy which would help to promote both Cheltenham and the Cotswolds.    


The Chair thanked the officer for his report.


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