Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual WEBEX video conference via the Council’s YouTube Channel: View directions
Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services 01242 264130
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: The Legal Officer introduced the item and explained that prior to the meeting Councillor Dr David Willingham had been nominated as Chair.
Due to the size of the committee there was no requirement for a Vice Chair. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Determination of Application for a Premises Licence For 'No. 3.' at 12 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham. GL50 3DA Additional documents:
Minutes: The applicant and the objectors for the item were moved into the meeting.
The Chair explained the procedure to the applicant and the objectors.
The Senior Licensing Officer introduced the report as per the published agenda.
Members were asked if they had any questions, they were as follows: - In terms of noise were there any representations from Environmental Health – there were no objections received from Environmental Health. - Did the previous occupier receive any complaints – Senior Licensing Officer confirmed that he could find no record of any complaints.
Applicant was then asked if he had any questions, he confirmed that he didn’t.
Objectors were then asked if they had any questions based on Officer report: - Regarding the previous occupier to the property they closed at 3 and didn’t open on a Sunday. - Environmental health said there were no complaints – Is it in scope to look at other properties similar to this one – Senior Licensing Officer said cant supply that information on the day. Chair explained that we cant look at other properties in the area.
Objectors were then asked to speak, points were raised as follows: - Query raised that the music live and piped licence is until 11.30. The point was raised that there are children living in the area and the music would disturb them. - External areas are limited outside the property and in an unsuitable area. - What sort of speciality evening will there be. - Concern over cars coming and going from the property.
Member then asked the objector what special events would give her cause for concern - Parties, races, will it be predominantly rugby players, also what sort of entertainment is planned. Member tried to ascertain what entertainment the objector was concerned about, he explained that sexual entertainment has to be a separate application. How many houses away is the objector from the premises due to where you are located do you already have noise issues? - Objector confirmed that when you live in a town centre there is a level of noise but nothing significant.
The next objector then spoke, their points were as follows:
- Lives 6 doors down and just recently had someone urinate in front of their house. Their concern is outside space and the noise that it will create as they can not have double glazing in their properties. - As a café it worked well but this is not for a café, most of the other businesses close at 5 so doesn’t effect residents. - Acoustics in the Crescent are not good due to the shape.
Member asked the following question: - Is it a private road,who controls the parking – an agent provides signs within the crescent and people are fined. Every house has 5 parking spaces and they are used accordingly – spaces are used in the day but in the evening are not. - Are there restriction on people walking through the Crescent? No there are not. ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Determination of Application for a Premises Licence For Festival House, Jessop Avenue, Cheltenham. GL50 3SH Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair explained the process to the Applicant and the Objector.
The Senior Licensing Officer then presented the report as published.
The matter then went to Member questions: - Has there been any representation from responsible authorities – there has been no representation.
The Applicant and objector both confirmed that they had no questions for the Senior Licensing Officer.
The Applicant was then asked to explain their application: - Explained that in the building businesses can hire a floor, a desk or a meeting room. - Referred to the plan and the licensed area. There is a kitchen and a small servery – the amount of alcohol that is served is minimal usually for a celebration of function. They have asked for off sales but restricted to in the building. Nothing to be taken outside. - Will always be an office space and never a bar. - You can only come into the building if you have a pass or tenancy – you can not walk into the property and buy a drink at the bar. - There will be full CCTV installed and onsite management. - The concern appears to be in regards to smoking near the property. Most tenants or members will be walking or cycling. - There will be a smoking area – they will do their best to ensure that this is used. - Sale of alchol is ancillary to the fact that it is an office building. - Hopes that this will be good for the area and provide employment.
The matter then went to Member questions: - Asked for clarification for the description of Club Members and pass holders – applicant confirmed that Club Members (for a fee) are allowed in the communal lounge area, wifi and networking. - Is there a limit on the number of guests that a member can bring in? Guests have to be pre booked in advance – if there is a private conference then they will have to be booked in advance.
The objector then spoke: - Made the point that the area is busy in the day and very quiet at night. - There is a problem with smokers in the area, concerned that people will bring their drinks outside. - Concerned that there will be more people wanting to put businesses in such as this.
The matter then went to the debate
- Police, environmental health have not objected to the matter, there is already a Challenge 21 policy. - Understand the objectors concern, however this is quite common and will be very unlikely to cause problems. - Applicant will do all that they can to ensure there is no trouble with smokers and bottles leaving the building. - Appreciates the objectors concerns however if people chose to behave in an anti social way it is outside the remit of the management of the building and the committee. - If someone is causing a problem inside the premesis then they are likely to have their membership ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Any other items the Chairman determines to be urgent and which requires a decision Minutes: No further items.
Meeting finished at 11.50. |