Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services 01242 264130
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Lewis. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 218 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2021 Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 7 July 2021 were approved and signed as a true record. |
Local Government Act 1972 Exempt Information The committee is recommended to approve the following resolution:-
“That in accordance with Section 100A(4) Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining agenda items as it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public are present there will be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 and 2, Part (1) Schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972, namely:
Paragraph 1; Information relating to any individual
Paragraph 2; Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual Minutes: RESOLVED THAT:
“That in accordance with Section 100A(4) Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining agenda items as it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public are present there will be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 and 2, Part (1) Schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972, namely:
Paragraph 1; Information relating to any individual
Paragraph 2; Information which was likely to reveal the identity of an individual
Review of a Hackney Carriage Driver's Licence Report of the Case Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Team Leader presented the report and after consideration by members of the Committee, it was agreed to revoke the Hackney Carriage Driver’s Licence with immediate effect on the grounds of public safety. Upon a vote, it was:
Review of a Hackney Carriage Driver's Licence Report of the Case Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Team Leader presented the report and after consideration by members of the Committee, it was agreed to revoke the Hackney Carriage Driver’s Licence with immediate effect on the grounds of public safety. Upon a vote, it was:
Any Other Items the Chairman Determines Urgent and Which Requires a Decision Minutes: The Chair was concerned about the length of time that had passed between an alleged incident involving a taxi driver happening in early June and the Licencing Authority not being informed about it by the Police until late September, resulting in the holder of the licence still being able to work as a taxi driver during this period. Due to the nature of the allegation, the Chair and Committee felt this was not good practise in view of public safety and wished to raise the matter with the Chief Constable and a letter had been drafted for committee approval.
AGREED that the Chair and Vice Chair would finalise the letter and send to the Chief Constable setting out their concerns. |