Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services  01242 264130


No. Item




There were none.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Application for a renewal of and variation to an existing Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence pdf icon PDF 277 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the Committee and officers present.  He explained that some of the public speakers did not want to be seen on the broadcast.


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report as published and explained that there was an error in the report.  The premises is within the permitted area, the outside pavement is outside of the permitted area.


In response to Member questions the Licensing Team Leader confirmed the following:

-       There was no awareness that the mandatory grounds are triggered by this application.

-       There have been no complaints in respect of any venues run by the applicant to licensing but cannot speak for other departments.

-       The Legal Officer explained that the exemption would exist regardless of the decision made at the committee.  It was also explained that the committee would need to have due regard to Public Sector Equality but the legislation does not prescribe a specific decision.


Prior to the objectors being asked to address the committee the Chair explained that the application is for a Sexual Entertainment Venue and that there is no evidence of prostitution or coercion.  He stated that if such claims were made then he would interject.


The objectors spoke and made the following points:

-       The activity has a negative impact on women and girls, the committee need to consider the impact of the trade on women and girls.

-       The council needs to consider the fact that with this activity there is a possibility that it will cause violence against females.

-       The Councils own policy states the grounds that the application could be refused.

-       Does not feel assured that the safety of the girls is the main concern of the operator.

-       The purpose of attending this activity is to stimulate, the survey that the Council held stated that people do not feel safe at night in the town.

-       There is evidence that women do suffer from harassment.

-       There is also evidence that shows that there is an increase in sexual crime around these venues.

-       This application goes against the policy to eliminate discrimination.

-       There was understanding that it is a difficult decision for the committee.

-       It was strongly felt that there are good reasons for the committee to use their discretionary powers to refuse regardless of there then being grounds for appeal.

-       There should be sensitivity that the venue is close to a church and it has definitely caused offence that there is such a venue in such close proximity to a place of worship.

-       The Church see the venue as discrimination against the Christian community. 

-       As the location is so close to a church it is offensive, the speaker urged the committee to be bold and refuse the application.


There were 2 Councillors representing the College Ward who had not registered to speak prior to the committee the Chair gave permission to address the committee.

 Collectively they made the following points:

-       The local MP has  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Any Other Items the Chairman Determines Urgent and Which Requires a Decision


There were none.