Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services  01242 264130

No. Item




There were no apologies received.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Application for a variation to an existing Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence pdf icon PDF 282 KB

Additional documents:


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report as published.


Members were given the opportunity to ask the Licensing Team Leader questions, the responses were as follows:

-       There have not been any complaints made to the team with regard to the performers at the premises within the last 18 months plus that the Licensing Team Leader has been leading on these cases.

-       The Licensing Team are not aware of any complaints that have been received from the police at the venue.  There have also been no representations made by the police.

-       The exemption that applies to SEV’s was then explained.  Whether the licence is granted or not there is the option to move to different venues each evening.  When licences are granted the premises are visited at least once an evening.   If an operator operates under the exemption then they can do what they like, the police or CBC will not know where the clubs are operating and are not able to impose conditions unlike it there was a licence in place.


There were no questions for the licensing team leader from the objectors.


There were no questions from the applicant for the licensing team leader.



The Chair then asked the objectors when they addressed the committee to say which number they were in the representations.  The first objector was number 2 on the representations in the published agenda and made the following points:

-       The application is for outside the designated permitted area.

-       The question was raised that if the extra November dates had been included in the original application would the licence still have been granted.

-       The objector had received correspondence from Alex Chalk MP regarding the application and the fact that he does not support SEV’s.

The licensing team leader explained that the committee had to be very careful when considering variations however they can consider the point made by the MP, although if he had wanted to make a representation there was plenty of time for him to have done so.

The Chair also stated that for the time that he has been Chair of the committee the MP has never presented a representation when he has had every opportunity to have done.


The next objector was number 7 on the representations and made the following points:

-       The lack of reporting to the police with regard to crimes against women could be a response to the lack of compassionate policing.  Although it is encouraging that police offers and staff have now been banned for paying for sex.  The objector asked if the lead that the Police have put in place was something that will be considered?

-       The hours of opening and closing seem to be excessively long form 6pm-5am.

-       It was a shame that the fees weren’t shared with the committee.


The next objector was number 11 on the representations and made the following points:

-       There are an increasing number of objections to applications of this type.

-  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Any Other Items the Chairman Determines Urgent and Which Requires a Decision


There were none.