Agenda and minutes
Venue: Montpellier Room - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Rosalind Reeves, Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item |
Appointment of Person Presiding Councillor Godwin Minutes: In the absence of the Chair, the Head of Legal Services, called upon Members to nominate a Person Presiding for the meeting. Councillor Flynn proposed that Councillor Wheeler appointed and this was agreed by all members present. Councillor Wheeler then took the Chair. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes:
Apologies were received from Councillors Godwin and McLain.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Report of the Head of Human Resources, GO Shared Services Minutes: The Head of Human Resources, GO Shared Services, introduced the report and explained that the post of Chief Executive was subject to JNC terms and conditions (those for Chief Executives) and that any annual pay award was normally negotiated by the Association of Local Authority Chief Executives (ALACE) as part of the JNC for Chief Executives. This was different from the Directors who were on JNC terms and conditions for Chief Officers except for any annual pay award which was subject to the NJC (National Joint Council) process and determination. This anomalous position had come to light when officers were reviewing the Pay Policy Statement. It was possible to amend conditions locally, whereby this difference could be removed so that the Chief Executive could be placed on the same annual pay award terms as the Directors (and all other staff).
Agreement was therefore being sought from Members to bring the annual pay award for the post of Chief Executive into line with that of the Directors. This would remove the risk of divisiveness, present a fair and equitable position, and be commensurate with pay awards for all other staff, giving the Chief Executive no more and no less than all other staff. There was a strong argument that to have the same pay award for all staff would remove the risk of division.
In terms of background, the Head of Human Resources explained that of the three negotiating bodies – the NJC, the JNC and the JNC for Local Authority Chief Executives, the NJC generally concluded its negotiations first with the JNCs historically following suit. The pay award process for this year was ongoing although the steer from the Secretary of State for Local Government was a 1 % pay threshold. Given the economic circumstances and the need for pay restraint it was likely that the 1 % would be followed as a guideline although the outcome of the negotiations was not yet known.
The Head of Human Resources informed members that it had been confirmed by South West Councils that with the exception of Somerset, councils generally followed the pay award for the relevant negotiating body, for example those on Chief Executive JNC would get the Chief Executive JNC award via ALACE, and Chief/Deputy Chief Officers would get any award via the JNC for Chief/Deputy Chief Officers, with those on NJC terms and conditions getting the pay award negotiated by the NJC. It had been briefed out to the political groups that there was a senior management restructure forthcoming, so there was an option to consider the anomalous position as part of that, however the detailed proposals were not yet clear, and if left to then it could mean the position would not be resolved for some time.
It was reported that Group Leaders had indicated their support of the approach to bring the Chief Executive annual pay award in line with that of all other staff. It was also confirmed that the Group Leaders had been briefed on ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Future pay policy statements Verbal update from the Head of Human Resources, GO Shared Services Minutes: The Head of Human Resources explained that within the remit of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee was the review of the annual Pay Policy Statement prior to its submission for approval by full Council which was a requirement under the Localism Act.
It was therefore necessary to schedule a meeting of the Committee in mid December on an annual basis. |
Future meetings Verbal update from the Head of Human Resources, GO Shared Services Minutes: The Head of Human Resources explained that in the light of the proposed management restructure the Appointments and Remuneration committee would be required to meet to decide on the process once a decision had been taken by Council in July. Members agreed that it would be sensible to schedule a date in the calendar soon for an early September meeting. The Head of Human Resources undertook to do this and would inform members of this in due course.
In addition a date should be scheduled for a December meeting of the committee to examine the draft Pay Policy Statement as referred to above. |
Date of next meeting (if necessary) Minutes: To be confirmed. |