Agenda and decisions

Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item




Declarations of interest


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 615 KB

Additional documents:


Public and Member Questions and Petitions

Questions must be received no later than 12 noon on the seventh working day before the date of the meeting


To note the findings and recommendations from the Playing Pitch Strategy pdf icon PDF 829 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Wellbeing and  Culture


Additional documents:




1.    the findings and recommendations from the Playing Pitch Strategy as set out in section 4.6 and attached as appendix 2 are noted;


2.    the Playing Pitch Strategy is shared with all the organisations and partners identified in the action plan for review;


3.    authority is delegated to the Director for Community and Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Economic Development, Wellbeing & Culture, to make any final amendments to the Playing Pitch Strategy.


4.    an over-arching physical activity and sports strategy and accompanying action plan, that will deliver the council’s vision and outcomes for physical activity and sports as set out in section 3, will be brought to Cabinet later this year.



Household Support Fund Arrangements for 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 961 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities

Additional documents:



1.    the Household Support Fund Delivery Plan for the award of grant made by Gloucestershire County Council on behalf of the Department of Works and Pensions under the Household Support Fund Programme 2024/25, as set out in para 4.9, is approved; 


2.    authority is delegated to the Head of Communities, Wellbeing & Partnerships in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities to determine the agreed amounts to be awarded to individual organisations to deliver the Household Support Fund Programme 2024/25.



Review of waste and recycling receptacles pdf icon PDF 454 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Public Realm

Additional documents:




1.    the introduction of a delivery charge for all waste and recycling receptacles, including garden waste bins is approved, with effect from Monday 5 August 2024, of £4.99 per item as set out in paragraph 2.5 of this report.  A reduced charge of £2.99 per item will apply to residents in receipt of benefits listed in 2.5 of this report.


2.    an increase in the cost of garden waste bags to offset increased collection costs from £17.50 for 10 bags with a £4 delivery charge to £25 for 10 bags with a £4.99 delivery charge as set out in (1) above is approved;


3.    the introduction of a charge for receptacles payable by developers for planning applications granted for new developments on or after 5 August 2024 as set out in paragraph 2.5 of this report is approved;


4.    the introduction of a charge for receptacles payable by landlords, including communal properties, from 5 August 2024, as set out in paragraph 2.5 of this report is approved;


5.    the introduction of a waste and recycling collection charge for Air B&B’s from 5 August 2024 is approved and authority is delegated to the Chief Executive to agree charges and take the necessary steps to implement the decision in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Public Realm.



Levelling Up Fund Award pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Major Developments and Housing Delivery 

Additional documents:




1.    the allocation of £20m grant funding from the Levelling Up Fund for use towards development of the National Cyber Innovation Centre and Mobility Hub is accepted.



Housing Strategy Action Plan Update pdf icon PDF 490 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services

Additional documents:




1.    the Housing, Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy Action Plan update for 2024 is approved.        



Cabinet appointments to outside bodies pdf icon PDF 488 KB

Report of the Leader

Additional documents:




1.    nominations to the outside bodies as set out in Appendix 3A and Appendix 3B are approved, in accordance with the following principles:

-        all nominations are made on the basis that the nominee is a representative of Cheltenham Borough Council insofar as that is compatible with any overriding legal duty to the outside body;

-        Cabinet / the Leader reserves the right at any time to withdraw/terminate a nomination which it has made; and

2.    Cabinet Member responsibilities for the bodies/groups listed in Appendix 3C are noted.




Corporate Strategy - update pdf icon PDF 445 KB

Report of the Leader

Additional documents:




1.    the corporate plan review and end of year performance report is noted;


2.    the intention to refresh the corporate plan is noted.       



Detached Youth Work Grant pdf icon PDF 337 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities

Additional documents:




1.    a grant of £41,000 to The Rock is agreed, to enable the delivery of a programme of detached youth work in the period August 2024to March 2025;


2.    a grant agreement with The Rock is entered into, that will set out the terms and conditions for the delivery of the detached youth work, including monitoring against agreed outcomes;


3.    the delivery of the detached youth work project in monitored through the No Child Left Behind strategic board and brought back a report for consideration by Cabinet on completion of the funding period.      



Briefing from Cabinet Members


Local Government Act 1972 - Exempt Business

The Cabinet is recommended to approve the following resolution:-


That in accordance with Section 100A(4) Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the remaining agenda items as it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public are present there will be disclosed to them exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 3 and 5, Part (1) Schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972, namely:


Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular

person (including the authority holding that information)


Paragraph 5: Information in respect of which a claim to legal, professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings. .



A Legal Matter

Report of the Cabinet Member for Major Developments and Housing Delivery