Agenda and minutes

Venue: Pittville Room - Municipal Offices. View directions

Contact: Saira Malin, Democracy Officer 

No. Item




No apologies had been received. 


Declarations of interest


No interests were declared. 


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 58 KB

24 September 2014


The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda.


Upon a vote it was unanimously


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 24 September 2014 be agreed and signed as an accurate record. 


Public Questions

These must be received no later than 12 noon on the fourth working day before the date of the meeting and must relate to the specific matter for which this meeting has been convened


2 public questions were received. 


Questions from Anne Brookes to the chair of the Audit Committee, Councillor Colin Hay


It is the responsibility of the Borough Council, officers and elected members, to ensure that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and the report to this committee regarding the overspend shows a complete failure of control throughout the project,  and that even when completed, the actual details of the overspend remain unknown.

If managed properly it would have been possible, at any time, to know why, where and how much the overspend was likely to be.  The committee, if properly undertaking its duty and responsibility, should question why it is being asked to spend more public money on further audits to identify what was spent. A public interest report following the legal case against the former Chief Executive made recommendations concerning managing risk, yet these have been ignored. We are again in the situation where evaluations are only made after the event, and it seems likely that the overspend on the Art Gallery will be close to or possible top £½ million of public money.


What will the committee do to ensure that there is a proper process in place to minimise, at the very least, the risk to the council and public funds, and stop just accepting these hindsight reports promising to identify ways to prevent this happening in the future?



Response from Councillor Colin Hay, Chairman Audit committee


The statement made by Ms Brooks relating to responsibility is correct and the Council has always recognised this by putting in place a series of financial rules and internal controls. In addition to this the council provided a project team, led by a qualified and experienced Project Manager who was supported by an external Construction Project Manager. The Project team was governed by the Council’s financial rules, controls and its Prince 2 based approach to project management, all of which are designed to ensure that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for.


The Executive Sponsor for the project reported to Council in February 2014 that the outturn cost of the extension to the Art Gallery and Museum had exceeded the budget by £360,000.  As a result of this the Council agreed to commission Grant Thornton to carry out a review and to report back to Audit Committee on its findings.


Grant Thornton’s report was considered by the Executive Board and was tabled for consideration at the Audit Committee meeting on the 11th Dec 2014. However since then additional expenditure has been identified and the report has been put on hold until after a discussion by the Audit Committee this evening and to account for any additional work by our internal and external auditors.


The Grant Thornton draft report contained specific recommendations and the management response has been that they will all be accepted and acted upon.


When the work of the auditors is complete the Audit Committee will then be asked to consider how best to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Update on audit work in relation to the Wilson Art Gallery and Museum Extension Project pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chairman explained that the discovery of the additional overspend at this late stage and the fact that, whilst Grant Thornton’s (GT) report tracked the chronological order of various correspondence, it did not identify any key reasons for the failure, which he would expect from a report, both necessitated the need for further investigation.  He was disappointed that the report was not available, as he was sure that other members would be, but he had felt that it was important that the committee met to understand the current situation and the reasons for it. 


The Chief Executive introduced the report as circulated with the agenda and apologised that this was not the report that he had expected he would be presenting, the report for which the meeting had been convened.  He explained that a report had been commissioned from forensic auditors at GT, to review the extension project at the Wilson Art Gallery and Museum (AG&M) after the project exceeded the previously agreed budgetary provision by £360,000 and was completed 12 months later than originally planned.  This audit process took much longer than anticipated, however, on Friday 28 November 2014, just as the report was being finalised, it became apparent that the true extent of the overspend exceeded that which had been agreed in February 2014.  Neither, the Chief Executive or any other senior officers had been aware of this additional overspend prior to this point.  It had been identified at this time, as there was the matter of the contractor being paid the retention, but this was not what the overspend related to.  The overspend had been incurred as a result of a number of extras which had been commissioned by the AG&M, but not logged on the council’s financial system.  Whilst the report to Council on 14 February 2014 had been prepared in good faith, this was incorrect and at this stage, Finance had a high degree of confidence that the additional overspend was of the order of £90,000.


He provided members with a brief history to the issue.  Key individuals on the project had included, the Senior User, a senior officer at the Wilson, responsible for certain contractual matters, the Project Sponsor, the Director of Service, and the Executive Sponsor, an Executive Director who had since retired.  The cost for the project was originally estimated to be £6.3million; a figure which Council agreed to underwrite, the authorised sum.  At the end of the tendering process, ISG, who had submitted a tender for considerably less than the expected cost, were awarded the contract and the contract budget was revised to £5.6million.  This was good news but from the outset this was considered to be a difficult build and the authorised sum was not reduced at this stage.  At an early stage the projects structural engineer went into liquidation and upon appointment of a new structural engineer, a lot of work had to be repeated.  A mistake during the pouring of concrete resulted in this having to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Any other item the chairman determines to be urgent and requires a decision


There were no urgent items for discussion.


Date of next meeting

14 January 2015


The next meeting was scheduled for 14 January 2015.  It was likely that another extraordinary meeting would be arranged in the weeks after this meeting.  Democratic Services would contact members in due course.