Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Rachael Sanderson, Democracy Assistant
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Councillors Regan, Stennett and Walklett
PUBLIC QUESTIONS These must be received no later than 12 noon on the fourth working day before the date of the meeting
Minutes: None
MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON PDF 55 KB 7 March 2014 Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2014 be agreed and signed as a true record.
Renewal of Street Trading Consent PDF 705 KB Mr Raviv Hadad Additional documents:
Louis Krog, Licensing and Business Support Team Leader introduced the report as circulated with the agenda. A renewal application had been received from Mr Raviv Hadad for a street trading consent to sell hot and cold food and drink from a mobile trike on the High Street outside Thomas Cook.
If granted the proposed hours of trade would remain the same as the existing consent, every day between 11:00 and 23:00.
Appendix A of the report provided an image of the trike. Appendix B of the report showed a location map of where trading would take place.
The Officer referred Members to point 5 of the report which detailed consultee comments. Comments had been received from the following consultees;
The report provided details of the objections.
Mr Howard Barber (Public Realm Designer, Cheltenham Borough Council) comments stated that he did not object to the application but noted that a new way finding monolith was due to be installed to the edge of the licensed trading area.
The Officer referred Members to appendix D of the report which provided further details of the proposed monolith.
Members asked a couple of questions to the Officer and in responding the Officer:
Mr Hadad attended the meeting and spoke in support of his application. Prior to the meeting he had submitted a supporting letter and photographs which were distributed to Members in advance. These documents are attached as supplementary documents to the minutes.
Mr Hadad said his points were made in the letter and felt his licence should be granted for 12 months and to see what happened.
Members asked the following questions to Mr Hadad and in responding;
The Officer advised Members that he was unsure what Gloucestershire ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Application for Street Trading Consent PDF 517 KB Mrs Marie Fullwood Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman confirmed the applicant had withdrawn this application.
Renewal of Street Trading Consent PDF 3 MB Mr Mark Morris Additional documents:
Minutes: Louis Krog, Licensing and Business Support Team Leader introduced the report as circulated with the agenda. A renewal application had been received from Mr Mark Morris for the renewal of a street trading consent in respect of his flower stall located on the Promenade at the junction of Ormond Place.
If granted the proposed hours of trade would be on Monday to Saturday’s 08:30 to 18:00 and 11:00 to 17:00 on Sundays.
Appendix A of the report provided an image of the stall. Appendix B showed a location map of where trading would take place.
Page 48 of the report provided a photograph showing the Regent Arcades proposed development.
A number of objections had been received in connection with the application and for that reason it had been referred to the Licensing Committee for determination.
The Officer referred Members to point 5 of the report which detailed consultee comments. Objections had been received from the following consultees;
The report provided details of the objections.
The Officer advised the Committee that prior to the meeting a letter had been received and signed by all of the objectors to the application and the applicant asking for further time so that alternative solutions acceptable to all could be sought.
The letter sought a temporary extension to the street trading licence up to 31 July 2014 in its current location. During this period all parties would seek to trial a compromise solution, which could entail:
The letter also asked the Committee to allow any trials to be undertaken through delegated Officer authority without returning to the Licensing Committee.
At the end of this period or before, either
The Officer advised the Committee that Mr Morris had provided a revised photograph of his stall which showed a clear line of sight from the Promenade to Ormond Place. A copy of the photograph is provided as a supplementary document to the minutes.
Members asked the following questions of the officer and in responding:
Mr Morris attended the Committee and spoke in support of his application.
He reminded the Committee that Gloucestershire Highways had ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
ANY OTHER ITEMS THE CHAIRMAN DETERMINES TO BE URGENT AND WHICH REQUIRES A DECISION PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Louis Krog, Licensing and Business Support Team leader advised Members about proposed amendments to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 set out in the Deregulation Bill 2013/14.
A draft letter had been circulated to all Councils raising concern with pushing clauses through before the Law Commission review the new legislation in May 2014.
The three clauses causing concern were as follows:
The Officer said that these changes would be very difficult to enforce.
The draft letter had been sent out to the trade and if the Committee were minded to do so the Officer would send it to Martin Horwood MP stating that the deregulation changes should be dropped and dealt with as a whole in May 2014.
Members felt that these decisions should be left for locally elected Members to decide and should not be rushed through prior to the Elections.
Members asked the following Officer questions and in replying;
Some Members were unhappy with Section 8 being included in the letter.
The Officer said this section could be removed from the letter.
The Chairman confirmed a vote would need to take place to determine if section 8 should be removed from the letter.
Upon a vote it was (3 for 5 against)
That section 8 of the letter is removed.
Upon a vote it was (5 for 3 against)
RESOLVED that the letter, including Section 8 is sent to Martin Horwood MP on behalf of the Licensing Committee.
The Chairman reminded Members that this would be Councillor Stewart’s last Licensing Committee and thanked him for all he had done on both this and the Licensing Sub Committees. He thanked all Members for everyone’s hard work.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Friday 13 June 2014 Minutes: 13 June 2014