Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Bev Thomas, Democratic Services Team Leader
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Collins and Steinhardt. |
Communications by the retiring Mayor Minutes: The Mayor thanked Members for making it such a pleasure to chair Council meetings over the past year, and also the Chief Executive and council officers – in particular Jennie Ingram and Democratic Services – for all their support. He gave special thanks to the Mayor’s officer, Bob Bishop, on his retirement, saying that returning councillors and previous mayors would know him well for all his support over the years, particularly helping civic occasions to run smoothly. He said he would be much missed and wished him a happy retirement.
He went on to welcome all new Members to their first Council meeting, especially Councillors Pemberton and Day, representing Battledown ward, and wished the incoming Mayor every success for the municipal year ahead.
Election of Mayor 2024-25 (Chair of Council) To elect the Mayor (Chair of Council) for the Municipal Year 2024-25. Minutes: On behalf of the Council, the Leader thanked the Mayor for being an efficient Chair of Council and a superb Mayor. She called on Councillor Harvey to move the motion proposing Councillor Baker as the new Mayor. Councillor Harvey echoed the Leader’s thanks, and said he was honoured to propose that Councillor Baker as Mayor of Cheltenham for the upcoming municipal year. Councillor Smith was happy to second the nomination, and added his thanks to the outgoing Mayor for his time in office.. RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT Councillor Paul Baker be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The Mayor congratulated Councillor Baker on his appointment and invited him to take over the chair.
The Chief Executive asked the newly-elected Mayor to sign a declaration of acceptance of the office of Council Chair 2024-25.
Election of Deputy Mayor 2024-25 (Vice-Chair of Council) To elect the Deputy Mayor (Vice Chair of Council) for the Municipal Year 2024-25. Minutes: The Mayor invited Councillor Atherstone to propose Councillor Dr David Willingham as Deputy Mayor for the upcoming municipal year. The motion was formally seconded by Councillor Boyes. RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT
Councillor Dr David Willingham be, and is hereby, elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Vice Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The Mayor congratulated Councillor Dr Willingham on his appointment and invited him to take his seat.
The Chief Executive asked the newly-elected Deputy Mayor to sign a declaration of acceptance of the office of Council Vice-Chair 2024-25.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes of the last meeting Minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 March 2024 were approved as a true record by all Members who had attended, and signed accordingly. |
Communications by the Mayor Minutes: The Mayor thanked all Members for their confirmation today, saying that being elected Mayor was an honour and privilege he would never have imagined when growing up in St Paul’s. He was looking forward to getting out and about in Cheltenham’s many different communities, and to supporting four fantastic local charities: - Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees, of which he is a founding trustee; - Aim Up, formerly St Vincent’s and St George’s Association, an amazing charity which works with disabled adults in the community; - The Friends of Sandford Park, who have been instrumental in raising funds to improve the park; - Cheltenham CCP (Caring for Communities and People), a well-established charity set up many years ago, to help people through homelessness, family breakdown and exclusion. He said his charity committee has been up and running for some months and has many exciting events planned to raise money for the charities in the year ahead.
Appointment of the Leader of the Council To appoint the Leader for the ensuing four years Minutes: The Mayor invited Councillor Jeffries to formally propose Councillor Hay as Leader of the Council for the next four years. Councillor Jeffries said it gave him great pleasure to do so, and the motion was formally seconded by Councillor Joy.
RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT
Councillor Rowena Hay be appointed Leader of Cheltenham Borough Council for the ensuing four years
Communications by the Leader of the Council Minutes: The Leader thanked Members for electing her to this great role, which came with great responsibility, shared by all councillors. She thanked Bob Bishop, the Mayor’s officer, wishing him well in retirement, and welcomed all new Members on both sides of the Chamber. The Mayor added his thanks to Bob for his many years of service, and was sorry that he had chosen to retire now, just as he was taking office as Mayor.
To note the membership of the Cabinet, including the Deputy Leader Minutes: The Leader invited Members to note the membership of the Cabinet: - Deputy Leader / Major Development and Housing Delivery – Councillor Jeffries - Climate Emergency – Councillor Dobie - Economic Development, Wellbeing and Culture – Councillor Horwood - Finance and Assets – Councillor Lewis - Housing and Customer Services – Councillor Clucas - Planning and Building Control – Councillor Collins - Safety and Communities – Councillor Atherstone - Waste, Recycling and Public Realm – Councillor Tailford The Mayor congratulated all new Cabinet members on their appointments.
To establish and appoint to the following committees To FOLLOW
It is proposed that the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of these committees be appointed by Council, rather than by the individual committees in separate meetings. The proposed nominations are TO FOLLOW
Appeals Appointments and Remuneration Audit, Compliance and Governance Disciplinary Licensing Licensing Sub Committee – Miscellaneous Overview and Scrutiny (The Chair shall not be a Member of the Political Group which forms the Cabinet) Planning Standards
Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor invited Members to establish and appoint the committees and the nominations for Chairs and Vice-Chairs as set out in the supplement.
Members voted unanimously to approve the appointments and nominations.
To appoint the following Joint Committees (including substitutes) A) Appointment to Gloucestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (and substitute)
B) Appointment to Gloucestershire City Region Board Scrutiny Committee when established (and substitute)
C) Appointment to Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel (and substitute)
D) Joint District Strategic Planning Member Group
E) Gloucestershire Resources and Waste Partnership
Minutes: The Mayor invited Members to appoint the joint committees as set out in the supplement, including substitutes.
Members voted unanimously to approve the appointments. |
To appoint to the following Advisory Panels and Working Groups Constitution Working Group Treasury Management Panel
To note the following appointments : Community Infrastructure and Levy Neighbourhood Panel Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group – Building Control Joint Monitoring and Liaison Group – One Legal Member Development Panel Planning and Liaison Member Working Group Minutes: The Mayor invited Members to appoint the Advisory Panels and Working Groups as set out in the supplement.
Members voted unanimously to approve the appointments.
It was noted that no vote was required for the remainder of the appointments to CIL, One Legal, Member Development Panel, Planning and Liaison Member Working Group, Budget Working Group, Asset Management Working Group and Member ICT. |
To appoint to the following Member Champion roles Armed Forces Covenant Cycling and Walking Mental Health Refugee Safeguarding
Minutes: The Mayor invited Members to appoint to the Member Champion roles as set out in the supplement.
Members voted unanimously to approve the appointments |
To receive petitions Minutes: There were no petitions. |
Any other item the Mayor determines as urgent and which require a decision Minutes: There were no urgent items. |