Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Bev Thomas, Democratic Services Team Leader
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Councillors Pineger, Tooke, Wilkinson |
Communications by the retiring Mayor Minutes: The retiring Mayor reflected that her year in office had given her the opportunity to attend many events and to invite groups in to the parlour to congratulate them on their notable achievements and to support her charities. She hoped that she had fulfilled her role to the best of her ability.
She gave her personal thanks to those officers who had helped and advised her in her role and to democratic services for their support.
The Mayor wished to put on record her thanks, on behalf of the Council, to Harry Mayo, Democracy Officer, who would be leaving the authority and she wished him well in his future career in Wales.
Tribute was paid to Ken Almond, former council parks director, who had recently passed away and who had left a lasting legacy in terms of his work with Cheltenham in Bloom.
The Mayor gave thanks to the coronation community event hosted by the Cheltenham Trust at the Pittville Pump Room.
Finally, the Mayor congratulated the incoming Mayor, Councillor Babbage and wished him an enjoyable and successful year. He had been a great support to her as Deputy Mayor. She also congratulated Councillor Paul Baker, incoming Deputy Mayor appointment.
Election of Mayor (Chair of Council, 2023-24) To elect the Mayor (Chair of Council) for the Municipal Year 2023- 2024. Minutes: The Mayor called on Councillor Tim Harman to move the motion proposing Councillor Matt Babbage as Mayor.
Councillor Tim Harman proposed “that Councillor Babbage be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council chair for the ensuing Municipal Year”.
The motion was formally seconded by Councillor Hay.
RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT Councillor Matt Babbage be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The Mayor congratulated Councillor Babbage on his appointment and invited him to take over the chair.
The Chief Executive asked the newly-elected Mayor to sign a declaration of acceptance of office of Council Chair 2023-24. |
Election of Deputy Mayor (Vice-Chair of Council 2023-24) To elect the Deputy Mayor (Vice-Chair of Council) for the Municipal Year 2023- 2024.
Minutes: The Mayor called on Councillor Steve Harvey to move the motion proposing Councillor Paul Baker as Deputy Mayor.
Councillor Harvey proposed “that Councillor Baker be, and is hereby, elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council vice-chair for the ensuing Municipal Year”.
The motion was formally seconded by Councillor Dobie.
RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT Councillor Paul Baker be, and is hereby, elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Vice Chair for the ensuing Municipal Year.
The Mayor congratulated Councillor Baker on his appointment and invited him to take a seat on the dais.
The Chief Executive asked the newly-elected Deputy Mayor to sign a declaration of acceptance of office of Council Vice Chair 2023-24. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 344 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2023 Minutes: RESOLVED THAT
The minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2023 be approved and signed as a correct record.
Communications by the Mayor Minutes: The Mayor congratulated the retiring Mayor on her year in office and congratulated the incoming Deputy Mayor on his appointment. |
Communications by the Leader of the Council Minutes: The Leader wished to put on record her thanks to Harry Mayo for all the support he has provided to Cabinet and wished him well for the future.
She then thanked the retiring Mayor for her year of service and welcomed Councillors Babbage and Baker as the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively.
The Leader congratulated The Robins (Cheltenham Town Football Club) as they have managed to secure a third successive season in League One, the third tier of English professional football. She also congratulated Cheltenham Tigers Ladies Rugby Football Club who competed in and won their two finals at Twickenham on Sunday 30th April. in the Papa Johns Women’s Intermediate Cup Final and the Papa Johns Women’s Championship Playoff final.
The Leader reminded Members that the borough was half way through "No Mow May" - a month of leaving many of the town’s green spaces unmown. This encouraged more late Spring flowers, which promoted biodiversity in general and had been largely welcomed by many people.
Finally, the Leader paid tribute to the celebrations which took place across the town to mark the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles and Queen Camilla. The Council was delighted with the number of community organisations that have bid for funding from our Coronation Fund and it has been wonderful to see projects coming to life in our streets, parks and neighbourhoods.
Appointment of Member Champions - Mental Health Minutes: RESOLVED THAT
Councillor Wendy Flynn and Councillor Tim Harman be appointed Mental Health Champions to join Councillor Martin Horwood and Councillor Izaac Tailford (existing Mental Health Champions). |
Any other item the Mayor determines as urgent and which requires a decision Minutes: There was none. |