Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Rosalind Reeves, Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Cooke, Holliday and Williams. |
Communications from the retiring Mayor PDF 30 KB Minutes: The outgoing Mayor wished to update Council on her recent engagements. These are attached as an appendix to these minutes.
ELECTION OF MAYOR (CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL) FOR 2018-19 To elect the Mayor (Chairman of Council) for the Municipal Year 2018-19.
The Mayor (Klara Sudbury) to call on Councillor Coleman to move the motion proposing Councillor Bernard Fisher as Mayor.
Councillor Coleman will propose “that Councillor Fisher be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year”.
The Mayor will call on Councillor Barnes to formally second the motion.
The Mayor will thereafter put to the Council the motion “that Councillor Bernard Fisher be, and is hereby, elected Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year”.
The Mayor will invite Councillors to give a show of hands to indicate their support.
The Mayor will congratulate Councillor Fisher on his appointment and invite him to take his place in the chamber (she will still be wearing the chain until she hands it over to the new Mayor at the inauguration ceremony).
The Chief Executive will ask the newly elected Mayor to sign a declaration of acceptance of office of Council Chairman 2018-19 (this is not read out).
From this point onwards Councillor Fisher will chair the meeting. Minutes: The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Klara Sudbury, called on Councillor Coleman to move the motion proposing Councillor Fisher as Mayor.
Councillor Bernard Fisher was proposed for the office of Mayor by Councillor Coleman and seconded by Councillor Barnes.
Upon a vote it was unanimously
The Head of Paid Service invited the Mayor to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Council chairman for the ensuing municipal year 2018-19.
Councillor Bernard Fisher took the chair. |
ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR (VICE-CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL) FOR 2018-19 To elect the Deputy Mayor (Vice-Chairman of Council) for the ensuing Municipal Year 2018-19.
The Mayor will call upon Councillor Wheeler to move the motion to appoint Councillor Whyborn as Deputy Mayor.
The Mayor will call upon Councillor McKinlay to formally second the motion.
The Mayor to put the motion to Council “that Councillor Whyborn be, and is hereby elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council Vice-Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year”.
The Mayor will invite Councillors to give a show of hands to indicate their support.
The Head of Paid Service will ask the newly elected Deputy Mayor to sign a declaration of acceptance of office of Council Vice-Chairman 2018-19 (this is not read out). Minutes: Councillor Wheeler proposed Councillor Roger Whyborn for the office of Deputy Mayor, seconded by Councillor McKinlay.
Upon a vote it was unanimously
RESOLVED that Councillor Roger Whyborn be, and is hereby, elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Cheltenham and Council vice-chairman for the ensuing year.
The Head of Paid Service invited the Deputy Mayor to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Council vice-chairman for the ensuing municipal year 2018-19.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 207 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2018. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 26 March were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Communications by the Mayor Minutes: The Mayor thanked Members for electing him as Mayor. |
Communications by the Leader of the Council Minutes: The Leader congratulated Councillors Fisher and Whyborn on their appointments as Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively. He wished to put on record his thanks to Councillor Whyborn for his contribution as Cabinet Member Corporate Services and to Councillor Sudbury for chairing Council meetings as Mayor and for her contributions she had made to the town during her term of office.
The Leader also wished to recognise the contributions of the retiring Members and to those Members who had not been reelected, namely Chris Nelson and Adam Lillywhite.
On behalf of the Conservatives Councillor Harman congratulated both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their appointments and Councillor Sudbury for her role as Mayor. He also took the opportunity to welcome all new Members to the chamber and looked forward to working with them. |
TO NOTE THE MEMBERSHIP OF CABINET INCLUDING THE DEPUTY LEADER Minutes: The Leader confirmed the following appointments to Cabinet :
Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member Housing-Councillor Pete Jeffries Cabinet Member Clean and Green Environment- Councillor Chris Coleman Cabinet Member Finance- Councillor Rowena Hay Cabinet Member Healthy Lifestyles-Councillor Flo Clucas Cabinet Member Corporate Services-Councillor Alex Hegenbarth Cabinet Member Development and Safety-Councillor Andrew McKinlay
He explained that there would be no major transformation of Cabinet due to the number of key projects ongoing, such as the Cheltenham Transport Plan, the new Cemetery and Crematorium, development at Leisure@, works on the High Street, Housing Investment and the Cyber Park which he believed benefitted from consistency. There would be some minor adjustments within these portfolios and he would circulate the detailed Cabinet portfolio document over the coming days. He believed the new Cabinet represented a strong team for Cheltenham.
Note : Details of political group nominations to committees will be circulated separately on the day of the meeting.
With Council’s agreement the Mayor may propose that the nominations are agreed on bloc.
a) Overview and Scrutiny Committee (must be non-Executive members) b) Audit Committee c) Planning d) Licensing e) Standards Committee (no substitutes) f) Appointments and Remuneration Committee g) JNC Disciplinary Committee h) JNC Appeals Committee Minutes: The appointments to the following Committees were approved in accordance with the nominations contained in the table circulated and now attached to these minutes for information.
a) Overview and Scrutiny committee b) Audit Committee c) Planning d) Licensing e) Standards Committee f) Appointments and Remuneration Committee g) JNC Disciplinary Committee h) JNC Appeals Committee |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR TO THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Note : According to the Constitution the Chair shall not be a member of the political group which forms the Cabinet Minutes: Councillor Chris Mason was appointed as Chair of Overview and Scrutiny and Councillor Klara Sudbury was appointed as Vice Chair. |
GLOUCESTERSHIRE ECONOMIC GROWTH OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE To appoint one Councillor and a substitute, both non-Executive members. Minutes: Councillor Paul McCloskey was appointed to the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Victoria Atherstone was appointed as substitute. |
GLOUCESTERSHIRE HEALTH AND CARE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE To appoint one Councillor and a substitute, both non-Executive members. Minutes: Councillor Martin Horwood was appointed to the Gloucestershire Health and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Substitute to be advised at a later date. |
GLOUCESTERSHIRE POLICE AND CRIME PANEL To appoint one Councillor and a substitute
Note : Whilst this appointment does not have to be a non-Executive member, appointing such a member should avoid a potential conflict of interest and facilitate 2 way feedback with O&S committee (see report to Council 14 May 2012) Minutes: Councillor Jonny Brownsteen was appointed to the Police and Crime Panel.
Councillor Peter Jeffries was appointed as substitute. |
APPOINTMENT TO ADVISORY GROUPS AND WORKING GROUPS PDF 42 KB To appoint to the following advisory panels and working groups :
a) Treasury Management Panel b) Constitution Working Group Additional documents: Minutes: The appointments to the Treasury Management Panel and the Constitution Working group were then approved in accordance with the nominations contained in the table circulated (as amended) and now attached to these minutes for information.
Councillor Paul Baker was appointed Chair of the Treasury Management Panel. Councillor Jo Stafford was appointed Vice Chair of the Treasury Management Panel.
Councillor Dennis Parsons was appointed Chair of the Constitution Working Group.
APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER CHAMPIONS To appoint Member Champion for the following: - Mental Health (currently 3 Members) Minutes: Councillors Garth Barnes, Martin Horwood, David Willingham and Louis Savage were appointed as Mental Health Member Champions. |
Notices of Motion Minutes: None. |
To receive petitions Minutes: None. |
Any other item the Mayor determines as urgent and which requires a decision The Selection Council will be followed by separate meetings of the Audit Committee, Planning Committee, Licensing committee, Appointments and Remuneration Committee, JNC Disciplinary Committee, JNC Appeals Committee, Treasury Management Panel, the Constitution Working Group and the Asset Management Working Group. Each meeting will have the following standard agenda :
Apologies Declarations of Interest To appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee/Panel
Minutes: The Mayor informed that a constitutional change was made last year to enable any subsequent changes to Chair and Vice Chair of committees be agreed by the relevant committee. |