Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item




Councillor Hegenbarth.


Declarations of Interest


19/02335/FUL Recreation Ground, Clyde Crescent:   Cllr Hay – will speak but not vote.



Declarations of independent site visits


27 Promenade:  Cllr Fisher, Cllr Seacome, Cllr Oliver.

Cllr Cooke asked why declarations of independent site visits are necessary, and was informed that this has become a standard agenda item.  It is useful for members to know who has visited the sites, and in the interests of transparency for members of the public.



Public Questions




Minutes of last meeting pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19th December 2019.



Councillor Barnes suggested that unless any Member wanted to discuss any matters included in the exempt minutes, there was no need to go into closed session in order to agree them.  The minutes and exempt minutes of the meeting were agreed, as a true and accurate record.



Planning/Listed Building/Conservation Area Consent/Advertisement Applications, Applications for Lawful Development Certificate and Tree related applications – see Main Schedule


19/01844/FUL & LBC 27 Promenade pdf icon PDF 394 KB


Officer introduction

DO described the application for the conversion of a number of floors of GII listed property at 27 Promenade, currently trading as Radley’s, with retail on all four levels, fronting the pedestrian area of the Promenade, and with rear access from Post Office Lane.  

The proposal is to convert floors 1, 2 and 3 to a single residence, with a  modest staircase from Post Office Lane for a pedestrian entrance and otherwise no external changes.  There is no longer a need for the upper floors to be used as retail, and this relatively modest example of an adaption is part of an emerging pattern in the changing retail world.  Officers are having active discussions with different land-owners across town, considering how to introduce more and different uses to town centre to increase diversity and footfall.  This application proposes changes which are sympathetic to the listed building; the conservation officer is happy and the Civic Society consider it to be exemplar, and would like to see more similar schemes.  The recommendation is to grant consent. 

Member debate

RH:  requested that this application come to committee, not because she has any objection to it but because she welcomes it and hopes to see more similar applications of this type in the future.   It is a good use of the town centre, the residential use making it more diverse and busy.  Is really pleased to hear such enthusiasm from the Civic Society on this.

BF:  supports RH’s comments on this.  Remembers the last residential property on the Prom going some 20 years ago, opposite Imperial Gardens, but since  then, town centre buildings have started to return to residential use, such as the flat over the coffee shop (former Dobells),  and now Imperial Square,  once 90% offices, returning to flats, and sometimes complete houses.  Fully  supports this application; it is an excellent idea.

[GB:  failed to inform Committee at the beginning of the meeting that it is being recorded but not broadcast, for training purposes; the recording will be held for six months.  Members understand that their presence at the meeting constitutes their consent to being filmed.  Also, the electronic voting system tested out at the last meeting will continue, but for the time being with a  show of hands alongside.]

JP:  fully supports the application; it is absolutely the right thing to do, and apart from the metal staircase at the back, there will be no outward change to the building.  One minor concern is that when the applicant originally proposed two dwellings, the heritage comments were a little scathing, and a little discouraging for the applicant.  There needs to be a realisation that whilst these houses were built in the 1860s, lifestyle was very different then; there should be more freedom to allow developers to develop dwellings which support modern living.  When Royal Crescent in Bath was built, it was just the outside walls - owners were able to put in the inside walls to suit their particular lifestyle,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6a


19/02335/FUL Recreation Ground, Clyde Crescent pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Additional documents:


Officer introduction

VH told Members that the application is  for construction of a concrete scooter and skate park, next to the existing multi-use games area, play area and grass football pitch.  The bowl-shaped design will support skaters, scooters, roller bladers and BMX riders, with a new access path, bench, bin, cycle racks and tree planting, and is situated 45m away from the closest residential dwelling.  It is not lit.  There have been no letters of representation from neighbours.  The application is at Committee because CBC is the applicant and the landowner, and the recommendation is to permit, subject to the conditions set out in the officer report.

Public Speaking

Councillor Hay, in support

Has been involved with project work on this with residents; will therefore speak but not take part in the debate or vote.  This is the fruition of five years’ work and  £70k fundraising, and technically speaking, came out of fact that young people were using Cornerstones at St Michaels Church as a skate and scooter park, coming straight off the steps into the road; the regeneration partnership started looking at what else to do and how to raise money for this, as there was a clear need for a facility for local youngsters, particularly those under 12 years of age although older children will use it too.  Young people have been very much involved in the consultation on the design, and have helped with knocking on all the doors in Clyde Crescent.  There were some complaints and concerns from local residents about the potential for anti-social behaviour from young people gathering together, and it will undoubtedly be very popular in the beginning, being  the first facility of its kind in Cheltenham.  It is constructed of concrete because of noise issues -  the skate part in Pittville Park is very noisy – and the sides are banked, so flooding won’t be an issue.  As ward councillor is really excited about it, as the first of its kind and the fruition of much work.  The young people who were involved at the start call themselves the WhadSquad, and can now go to Pittville Park on their own, so the Clyde Crescent facility will be primarily for children too young to go do that.  There will be an increase in the number of bins to address issue of littering.  Hopes committee will support application.

Member debate

BF:  considers this to be excellent, a really good idea.  A similar installation at Burrows Field in Leckhampton a few years ago is still a hive of activity - kids love it - and the one in Pittville is also very popular.  It is good for the local community and for local children.  Should do more of it.

SC:  echoes BF’s comments -  the cycle track in Leckhampton is really successful and a great asset to the community.  Given that, wonders why this rather than a similar cycle track is proposed here, what  the pros and cons and relative costs may be.    Would also  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6b


19/02446/LBC Municipal Offices, Promenade pdf icon PDF 268 KB


Officer introduction

DO introduced the application for the Municipal Offices to remove modern stud partition walls and doors from the south wing ground and first floors, and block up some redundant spaces and openings, as part of CBC’s modernisation agenda. The recommendation is to approve.

Member debate

BF:  has just one question: as there was an application similar to this last month, why can’t they be rolled into one, does it cost more money?  Wouldn’t one application have covered the lot?

DO, in response: 

-          listed building application are free.

Vote on recommendation to grant

13 in support – unanimous





Appeal Updates pdf icon PDF 222 KB


Latest appeal information had been circulated to Members.


Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision


There were none.


Exempt Minutes

To approve the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 19th December 2019.


See above.