Agenda item
19/02335/FUL Recreation Ground, Clyde Crescent
Officer introduction
VH told Members that the application is for construction of a concrete scooter and skate park, next to the existing multi-use games area, play area and grass football pitch. The bowl-shaped design will support skaters, scooters, roller bladers and BMX riders, with a new access path, bench, bin, cycle racks and tree planting, and is situated 45m away from the closest residential dwelling. It is not lit. There have been no letters of representation from neighbours. The application is at Committee because CBC is the applicant and the landowner, and the recommendation is to permit, subject to the conditions set out in the officer report.
Public Speaking
Councillor Hay, in support
Has been involved with project work on this with residents; will therefore speak but not take part in the debate or vote. This is the fruition of five years’ work and £70k fundraising, and technically speaking, came out of fact that young people were using Cornerstones at St Michaels Church as a skate and scooter park, coming straight off the steps into the road; the regeneration partnership started looking at what else to do and how to raise money for this, as there was a clear need for a facility for local youngsters, particularly those under 12 years of age although older children will use it too. Young people have been very much involved in the consultation on the design, and have helped with knocking on all the doors in Clyde Crescent. There were some complaints and concerns from local residents about the potential for anti-social behaviour from young people gathering together, and it will undoubtedly be very popular in the beginning, being the first facility of its kind in Cheltenham. It is constructed of concrete because of noise issues - the skate part in Pittville Park is very noisy – and the sides are banked, so flooding won’t be an issue. As ward councillor is really excited about it, as the first of its kind and the fruition of much work. The young people who were involved at the start call themselves the WhadSquad, and can now go to Pittville Park on their own, so the Clyde Crescent facility will be primarily for children too young to go do that. There will be an increase in the number of bins to address issue of littering. Hopes committee will support application.
Member debate
BF: considers this to be excellent, a really good idea. A similar installation at Burrows Field in Leckhampton a few years ago is still a hive of activity - kids love it - and the one in Pittville is also very popular. It is good for the local community and for local children. Should do more of it.
SC: echoes BF’s comments - the cycle track in Leckhampton is really successful and a great asset to the community. Given that, wonders why this rather than a similar cycle track is proposed here, what the pros and cons and relative costs may be. Would also like reassurance that the concrete bowl won’t turn into a swimming pool in bad weather.
JP: is fully supportive of this application for a number of reasons. One reason is that Prestbury is looking to do something similar, and when selecting possible activities, the idea of a cycle track was abandoned on the grounds of noise and cost; is therefore really pleased to have this facility in the neighbourhood. Regarding anti-social behaviour, would think this facility would help to mitigate against it, giving an outlet for energy. It is a really good idea. Has one small query, regarding the people who will be using it: is all for inclusivity but a little bit worried about the claim that it will be used by people in wheelchairs – would think that whizzing round ramps would give huge potential for injury. But otherwise considers this to be a great scheme, and fully supports it.
SW: echoes RH’s comments. Can remember the days of Welch Road playing fields in his ward, when the main activity was the buying and selling of drugs. A lot of work was subsequently done there, a MUGA installed, the whole design altered - there were some complaints about anti-social behaviour but it was already there. Today it is a wonderful park, used right across the community, from young children and families, fathers and sons with jumpers for goalposts, and the elderly just there to sit. This not going to cause anti-social behaviour; it will actually solve a lot of it, giving young people somewhere to go, something to do, and it won’t cost anything. It is a fabulous idea.
MC: fully supports the proposal; considers it a great idea, not only because of his previous sporting background. When serving on a previous council, did a lot of work on state parks, with user groups and youth workers; this is already a recreational area, and if there is any anti-social behaviour, this won’t make it worse, but will channel it away. There is always a degree of hierarchy in what goes on in places such as these, and young people tend to self-police – they won’t want people there messing about. As RH said, being closer to where the users live, they won’t have to go far to access the facility, and they will have more ownership of it. If people moan about noise and litter, they should remember this goes on already; hopes this will improve it. It is absolutely brilliant.
SC: to reassure members, would just add that the possibility of anti-social behaviour at the Leckhampton skateboard park was raised beforehand, but has been almost absent. Noise has not been a problem either. It is a great asset to the community and this will be too; any worries along those lines can be dismissed.
VH, in response:
- regarding why this particular type of facility was chosen, it is a community-led scheme, and this is what the community wanted;
- regarding drainage, the proposal will be built above ground, and building control officers will inspect it; it will be constantly monitored, not something for planning application stage;
- regarding use of the facility by wheelchair users, if they wish to use it then we support it.
Vote on officer recommendation to permit
12 in support
Supporting documents:
- Recreation Ground, Clyde Crescent - officer report, item 6b PDF 235 KB
- Recreation Ground, Clyde Crescent - report update, 10th January, item 6b PDF 8 KB