Issue - meetings

Hidden Deprivation in the town centre

Meeting: 14/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Scrutiny Task Group - Hidden deprivation in the town centre pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Interim report of the scrutiny task group – Hidden deprivation in the town centre

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The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny, Councillor Tim Harman, was invited to address Cabinet. He firstly gave thanks to the work of the Scrutiny Task Group and in particular former Councillors Driver and McClain and Councillor Coleman for their contributions. The intention of the report was to address the fact that there were parts of the town which risked being ignored.

Meeting: 09/07/2014 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

13 Updates from scrutiny task groups pdf icon PDF 28 KB

To review the summary of scrutiny task groups


Consider any new topics – a scrutiny registration form has been received from Councillor Max Wilkinson regarding cycling and walking.  Officer implications to follow.


Additional documents:


The Committee reviewed the update of all scrutiny task groups and which had been circulated with the agenda. The following actions were agreed.


Rail issues – to bring back terms of reference for a STG as suggested by the Leader in his Cabinet Briefing. 


Public Arts Panel – The Cabinet Member, Councillor Rowena Hay had requested that the Committee could review the current structure of the panel and its accountability and governance arrangements, how it reports back its decisions and how long members remain on the panel. Scrutiny could also review the implementation of the recommendations made to Cabinet in December 2011 following a previous review by the Social and Community O&S committee. She suggested the task group could meet initially with the current chair from the University and the supporting officer.

It was agreed that members would be invited to join scrutiny task group and bring back terms of reference to this committee for agreement.


Rewiring Public Services – The Leader, Councillor Steve Jordan had proposed this topic to the committee. A document had been issued by the Local Government Association which puts forward ten proposals for changing the relationship between local and national government. It was agreed this could be a topic for a future member seminar rather than a STG and it should be looked at in the context of Vision 2020.


Vision 2020 – agreed scrutiny should keep a watching brief and set up a STG only when there was a particular issue to look at.


Pub Closures -although it had been suggested by officers that this could be picked up as part of the work on the Cheltenham Local Plan, members felt this was some time away and therefore a scrutiny task group should be set up to look at this issue which could then feed into the Local Plan.

* The DSM would invite nominations to join the task group

Cycling and Walking - a new registration form had been completed by Councillor Wilkinson. He thought the timing of this review was important to ensure that new roads were laid out in the right way to facilitate cycling and walking rather than an expensive refit being required later on. There was a general acknowledgement in Cheltenham that cycle routes were not good and statements needed to be backed up with action. The chair indicated that he would be happy to be involved given that he was a member of the county council with their responsibility for transport.

The next step would be to define terms of reference and officer support for the group.


JCS and Planning and Liaison Group – agreed that this should be a member working group but could reconvene as a STG when further validation work on housing numbers is required or any other issue arises requiring scrutiny.


Section 106 Agreements – Councillor Britter advised that the process was being phased out in favour of the community infrastructure levy and it was appropriate that this was picked up as part  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13

Meeting: 03/04/2014 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Hidden Deprivation in the town centre pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Final report of the scrutiny task group – Hidden deprivation in the town centre

Councillor Chris Colemen, chair of the task group will present the report and ask O&S to endorse the recommendations and forward them to Cabinet. 


Additional documents:


Councillor Chris Coleman presented the latest report from the Task Group on the Hidden Deprivation in the Town Centre. There was a debate on whether this report was the Task Group’s final one and if so, whether the recommendations should be considered for endorsement. It was felt that the task group had more work to do and Councillor Coleman requested that the group meet again to reconsider its recommendations and to determine if the group should also report on health and education matters.

This was agreed by the Committee.