Issue - meetings

Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report to end of August

Meeting: 15/10/2013 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report to end of August pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Finance

Additional documents:




  1. the contents of this report including the key projected variances to the original 2013/14 budget, and the projected total budget saving of £133,000 be noted.


  1. if, following the more detailed monitoring process currently being undertaken as part of the budget setting process for 2014/15, a potential overspend is identified, corrective action be taken to ensure that the Council delivers services within the overall net budget for the year.


The Cabinet Member Finance introduced the report and reported that the projected total budget saving amounted to £133 000 which was encouraging. He highlighted that planning income was above target and made reference to savings being achieved from the change in the way the council purchased its vehicles and bins. In addition he highlighted the £17 000 interest achieved on General Fund investments.


The Cabinet Member paid tribute to the enormous work both finance officers and other officers across the authority had undertaken to stay within budget. The focus was to find innovative ways to stay within budget.


Members welcomed the report and were encouraged by the surpluses which had been achieved this year.




  1. the contents of this report including the key projected variances to the original 2013/14 budget, and the projected total budget saving of £133,000 be noted.


  1. if, following the more detailed monitoring process currently being undertaken as part of the budget setting process for 2014/15, a potential overspend is identified, corrective action be taken to ensure that the Council delivers services within the overall net budget for the year.