Attendance summary

Attendance records have been maintained since October 2010 when the system was implemented. Attendance at past meetings is available on the relevant minutes.

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend, whether in person or virtually, in their capacity as member of that committee. This only includes meetings for which the actual attendance status is known.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, as substitute, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in place of a committee member who could not attend.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
In attendance, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present Present, virtual Present as substitute, virtual In attendance In attendance, virtual
Councillor Frank Allen650000
Councillor Glenn Andrews11110000
Councillor Victoria Atherstone13100010
Councillor Matt Babbage440010
Councillor Paul Baker12110000
Councillor Adrian Bamford14120000
Councillor Garth Barnes1190000
Councillor Dilys Barrell550010
Councillor Ian Bassett-Smith210000
Councillor Graham Beale950000
Councillor Angie Boyes1080000
Councillor Nigel Britter440000
Councillor Julia Chandler430000
Councillor Jackie Chelin11110000
Councillor Ed Chidley520010
Councillor Barbara Clark12100000
Councillor Flo Clucas12110000
Councillor Mike Collins1280000
Councillor Ashleigh Davies550000
Councillor Chris Day550010
Councillor Iain Dobie12120000
Councillor Stephan Fifield310000
Councillor Bernard Fisher650000
Councillor Wendy Flynn210000
Councillor Jan Foster770000
Councillor Juan Carlos Garcia Clamp540000
Councillor Tim Harman550000
Councillor Steve Harvey990000
Councillor Rowena Hay13130010
Councillor Sandra Holliday650000
Councillor Martin Horwood12120010
Councillor Peter Jeffries13120000
Councillor Tabi Joy1180000
Councillor Alisha Lewis12120000
Councillor Cathal Lynch540000
Councillor Paul McCloskey750000
Councillor Andy Mutton650010
Councillor Emma Nelson760000
Councillor Tony Oliver1060000
Councillor Ben Orme550000
Councillor Helen Pemberton550010
Councillor Richard Pineger880000
Councillor Julie Sankey1070000
Councillor Diggory Seacome870000
Councillor Stan Smith10100000
Councillor Dr Steve Steinhardt530010
Councillor Izaac Tailford11100000
Councillor Julian Tooke980010
Councillor Simon Wheeler18170000
Councillor Max Wilkinson540010
Councillor Suzanne Williams10100000
Councillor Dr David Willingham14120020