Your Councillors by Party
Local Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.
They have regular contact with the general public through council meetings, telephone calls and some Councillors may hold surgeries. Surgeries provide an opportunity for any ward resident to go and talk to their Councillor face to face. Contact your Councillor for further details.
If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, take a look at our ‘be a councillor’ animation. There is also more information on the Local Government Association website.Councillors are not paid a salary for their work, but they do receive allowances. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, all Members have completed a Register of Members’ Interest form which sets out their pecuniary and other interests in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
The current political makeup of the Council is 35 Liberal Democrats, 3 Green, 1 People Against Bureaucracy and 1 vacancy.
You can view all the councillors on the councillor poster here.
To find your councillor please use the below links.
You can also view a map of Cheltenham's wards here.
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Frank AllenSwindon Village
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Glenn AndrewsLansdown
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Victoria AtherstoneSt. Peters
Liberal Democrats
Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities
Councillor Paul BakerCharlton Park
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Adrian BamfordUp Hatherley
Liberal Democrats
Chair of Audit, Compliance and Governance
Councillor Garth BarnesCollege
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Dilys BarrellPark
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Graham BealeWarden Hill
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Angie BoyesCharlton Kings
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Julia ChandlerLeckhampton
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Jackie ChelinPark
Liberal Democrats
Chair of Member Development Panel
Councillor Barbara ClarkAll Saints
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Flo ClucasSwindon Village
Liberal Democrats
Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services
Councillor Mike CollinsBenhall, the Reddings and Fiddler's Green
Liberal Democrats
Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control
Councillor Chris DayBattledown
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Iain DobieCollege
Liberal Democrats
Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency
Councillor Juan Carlos Garcia ClampPittville
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Steve HarveyCharlton Park
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Rowena HayOakley
Liberal Democrats
Leader of the Council
Councillor Sandra HollidaySt. Marks
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Martin HorwoodLeckhampton
Liberal Democrats
Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Wellbeing and Culture
Councillor Peter JeffriesSpringbank
Liberal Democrats
Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Major Developments and Housing Delivery
Councillor Alisha LewisOakley
Liberal Democrats
Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets
Councillor Cathal LynchHesters Way
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Tony OliverWarden Hill
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Ben OrmeLansdown
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Dr Helen PembertonBattledown
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Richard PinegerSt. Marks
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Julie SankeyUp Hatherley
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Dr Steve SteinhardtBenhall, the Reddings and Fiddler's Green
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Izaac TailfordAll Saints
Liberal Democrats
Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Public Realm
Councillor Julian TookePittville
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Simon WheelerHesters Way
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Suzanne WilliamsSpringbank
Liberal Democrats
Councillor Dr David WillinghamSt. Peters
Liberal Democrats
Deputy Mayor
Green Party
Councillor Ashleigh DaviesSt. Pauls
Green Party
Group Leader
Councillor Jan FosterPrestbury
Green Party
Deputy Group Leader
Councillor Tabi JoySt. Pauls
Green Party
Chair of Overview and Scrutiny
People Against Bureaucracy
Councillor Stan SmithPrestbury
People Against Bureaucracy