Your Councillors by Party

Local Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which he or she has been elected to serve a term of office.

They have regular contact with the general public through council meetings, telephone calls and some Councillors may hold surgeries. Surgeries provide an opportunity for any ward resident to go and talk to their Councillor face to face. Contact your Councillor for further details.

If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, take a look at our ‘be a councillor’ animation. There is also more information on the Local Government Association website.

Councillors are not paid a salary for their work, but they do receive allowances. In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, all Members have completed a Register of Members’ Interest form which sets out their pecuniary and other interests in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

The current political makeup of the Council is 35 Liberal Democrats, 3 Green, 1 People Against Bureaucracy and 1 vacancy.

You can view all the councillors on the councillor poster here.

To find your councillor please use the below links.

You can also view a map of Cheltenham's wards here.

Councillors Privacy Notice

 Liberal Democrats

 Green Party

 People Against Bureaucracy

The Councillors listed here do not consent to the contact details listed here being used for direct marketing or being passed on or sold to third parties for that purpose.