Issue details

Approval to enter contract with LiveWest for acquisition of property at 6 Medway Court

Approval from Full Council to fund and enter into contract with LiveWest to acquire the property at Medway Court, Whaddon Road, Cheltenham GL52 5NF


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2024

Decision due: Not before 31st Dec 2024 by Cabinet Member Major Developments and Housing Delivery

Lead member: Cabinet Member Major Developments and Housing Delivery

Contact: Gemma Bell, Director of Finance and Assets and Deputy S151 Officer Email: [email protected].

Consultation process

The overarching governance housing investment plan and new supply is governed by a number of key groups led by Senior Officers at CBC and through a specific Affordable Housing Project Board. This and other emerging forums created following the CBH transfer into CBC will monitor the overall delivery of the acquisition, alongside other development opportunities that materialise as part of the current pipeline. Housing colleagues have been involved in the discussions around this acquisition who are supportive in securing these flats. In addition to retaining much needed affordable housing within the town.


The Council’s Monitoring Officer and Democratic Services have been consulted in addition to CBC’s Executive Director Finance and Assets (August 2024).