Issue details

To agree the funding agreement with the Gloucestershire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) whereby a grant payment of £22,000 will be paid to the Council to support the construction of the Petersfield Community and Sports Hub.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/06/2024

Decision due: 17 Jun 2024 by Head of Communites, Wellbeing and Partnerships - Richard Gibson

Contact: Richard Gibson, Head of Communities, Wellbeing and Partnerships Email: [email protected].

Consultation process

Plans for the construction of the Petersfield Community and Sports Hub have been subject to consultation both formally through the planning process and informally through resident consultation events.

Finance Comments: The original funding 2 x £15k (inv 10998090 for £30k) received from OPCC in FY21/22 was to support No Community Left Behind and Heads Up Cheltenham. Subsequently CBC ended up spending around £8k on both projects. Agreement was obtained from OPCC on 12.04.2024 to redirect the funds toward Petersfield Hub. The £22k was part of the £39,328 carry forward to FY24/25 and currently sits in GBD002 R9102 GRA051.
