Issue details

To award a contract to: Gemco UK Ltd for the supply and installation (at Swindon Road Depot) of a workshop inspect pit and associated

Ubico Ltd are responsible for repairs and maintenance of the Council owned fleet of vehicles that are operated by Ubico in Cheltenham.

The existing aged inspection pit in the vehicle workshop at Swindon Road depot is no longer fit for purpose, the concrete structure around the pit has deteriorated over time and the pit jack can no longer be used because of this. In addition, due to the age of the existing pit, it is too short for the larger vehicles now used and there are health and safety issues associated with workarounds in place which need to be mitigated further.

The fleet of HGV’s is required to have a PMI (preventative maintenance inspection) every 6 weeks, this is also an obligation of Ubico’s O Licence undertaking therefore providing a new and longer inspection pit is necessary and this will in turn also increase workshop efficiency.

Ubico have carried out a tender exercise using the Intend Portal and procurement will be funded from within existing capital budgets via the asset replacement plan

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/10/2023

Decision due: 5 Oct 2023 by Chief Executive - Gareth Edmundson

Contact: Gareth Edmundson, Chief Executive Email: [email protected].


Background papers