Issue details

8-11 Hillfort Close, GL53 0JS Local Lettings Plan

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2023

Contact: Martin Stacy, Housing Strategy and Partnerships Manager Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected].

Consultation process

This draft Local Lettings Plan has been agreed with key officers from CBH, after which feedback was sought from Councillor Victoria Atherstone- Cabinet Member for Housing.

To briefly summarize the consultation feedback received, Cheltenham Borough Homes Housing Options Team suggested amending the Local Lettings Plan to reduce the exclusion period for applicants (or family members) who have been subject to a Possession Order (relating to anti-social behavior) a previous anti-social behavior eviction or an anti-social behavior injunction from 5 years to 3 years. This amendment has been included within the final Hillfort Close Local Lettings Plan. Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing resulted in a minor formatting amendment (adding a bullet point), and no other changes. Additionally, The Cabinet Member for Housing put on record their agreement with the Local Lettings Plan as proposed.

