Issue details

To proceed with the implementation of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in relation to the Town Centre East car park, Grosvenor Terrace, Cheltenham.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/08/2021

Contact: Mike Redman, Director of Climate Change and Place Services 01242 264160 Email: [email protected].

Consultation process

A public consultation was undertaken for a period of 12 weeks between 26th March and 18th June 2021, resulting in 21 responses which form Appendix 3 to the officer report.


The Cabinet Member Customer and Regulatory Services was also consulted on the proposal to make a PSPO.


21 consultation responses were received, 8 of which were broadly against the implementation of the PSPO and the remaining 13 responses were in support of the Order.


Generally, responses against the implementation of the Order were concerns over targeting younger individuals with fines. Alternatively, consultees have made suggestions that the Council should offer more facilities within the Borough that could attract positive use by younger individuals i.e. more skateboarding, park and AstroTurf sports facilities. In contrast, both local residents and businesses supported the implementation on the basis of continued and persistent noise, ASB (vandalism/shouting/swearing), urination and defaecation, drug related issues and criminal damage having a consistently detrimental effect on the area and their standard of living. These are attached at Appendix 2 of this report.


The Cabinet Member Customer and Regulatory Services is in agreement with the council proceeding to make the PSPO.
