Issue details

To support the Honeybourne Line Missing Link project being delivered and fully funded by Great Western Railway (GWR).

To support the Honeybourne Line Missing Link project being delivered and fully funded by Great Western Railway (GWR), with CBC bearing the ongoing negligible maintenance costs.  These costs will be negligible due to economies of scale with contractors already in place to cleanse the existing line.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/08/2021

Decision due: 29 Jul 2021 by Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency

Lead member: Councillor Max Wilkinson, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Culture, Tourism and Wellbeing

Contact: Jackie Jobes, Townscape Manager 01242 264389 Email: [email protected].

Consultation process

Design review and consultation has been led by GWR with all parties, taking on board all engagement responses.  Further engagement needed as we progress through next stages.



Consultation led by GWR:

·         Gloucestershire County Council

·         Network Rail

·         GFirst LEP

·         Ubico

·         Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Cycle Campaign

·         ThinkTravel

·         Dean Close School

·         CBC Internal – Property, Finance, Green Space, Townscape, Climate, OneLegal, Planning

