Issue details

Ubico Shareholder Decision-2019/20 Business Plan and 5 Year Vision

At the Ubico Board of Directors meeting on 5th December 2018, the Directors of Ubico considered and approved the Ubico business plan for 2019/20 and 5 year vision.


Broadly the proposals contained in the 2019/20 business plan focus on the following themes:

*   Greater commercialization of existing services, including the delivery of Trade Waste

*   Advice & Consultancy

*   Expanding Fleet Operations


Ubico will submit individual business cases to support potential investment proposals within the 2019/20 Business Plan to develop areas of the business that have been identified as having potential to deliver greater value for shareholders.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/05/2019

Decision due: 10 May 2019 by Leader

Lead member: Councillor Steve Jordan, Cabinet Member Finance and Assets

Contact: Karen Watson, Environmental Partnerships Manager Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected].
