Issue details

Reshousing of Syrian Refugees

To authorise up to 15 x 2 bedroom family flats and up to 5 x 1 bedroom sheltered housing flats, all Cheltenham Borough Council owned, to be used each year over the next 5 years for the rehousing of Syrian refugees

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/12/2015

Decision due: 7 Dec 2015 by Cabinet Member for Housing

Lead member: Councillor Peter Jeffries, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Major Developments and Housing Delivery

Contact: Martin Stacy, Housing Strategy and Partnerships Manager Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected].


There has been extensive consultation with Cheltenham Borough Homes who share the authority’s view that the number of Syrian refugees the authority is committed to assist each year will be manageable and is unlikely to have a detrimental impact on homelessness within the town. The type of dwellings we have chosen to use for these Syrian refugees is also supported.

Cheltenham’s Positive Participation Partnership, a partnership made up of representatives of the voluntary and statutory sector within the town were also informed of our intentions to assist a manageable number of Syrian Refugees in the way of rehousing, and this support was welcomed by the Partnership.
