Issue history
Development of new Cemetery and Crematorium
- 01/09/2017 - Published in plan, Forward Plan August-November 2017
- 01/10/2017 - Published in plan, Forward Plan October 2017- January 2018
- 10/10/2017 - Agenda item, Cabinet Approval for an Easement for electricity cables to be contained underground and the transfer of land for the purposes of a Substation on Priors Farm to provide power to the new Crematorium 10/10/2017
- 12/10/2017 - Published decision: Approval for an Easement for electricity cables to be contained underground and the transfer of land for the purposes of a Substation on Priors Farm to provide power to the new Crematorium
- 19/10/2017 - Call-in period expired: Approval for an Easement for electricity cables to be contained underground and the transfer of land for the purposes of a Substation on Priors Farm to provide power to the new Crematorium