Attending Licensing Committee
How do I know if the application I am interested in is going to Committee?
The agenda and officer reports are published one week in advance of the Licensing Committee hearing and these reports can be viewed online.
If you are unable to view the documents online, please contact 01242 264130 or by emailing Democratic Services.
Can I see a copy of the Committee agenda and officer's report prior to the meeting?
Yes – all papers are available to the public through the relevant committee page. Very occasionally, the Committee deals with sensitive business in ‘closed’ session – the Chair will explain the process before the start of the meeting.
Who can speak at a Licensing Committee meeting?
Any person who submitted a written representation, either in support or in opposition to, an application can speak at a Licensing Committee hearing, either directly or through a representative or elected Member.
If I want to speak, how do I arrange it?
If you submitted an application or relevant representation in relation to an application, licensing team will contact you to attend a committee hearing. Our correspondence with you will include further instructions on how to register to speak.
Please be advised that our meetings will be filmed by the council for live and/or subsequent broadcast online. It is important that you contact us, in advance of the meeting, if you do not wish to be recorded and mitigating measures will be put in place.
How many people can speak on each application?
In theory, there is no limit. However, in cases where there are numerous representations, we ask that a single speaker represent the group, normally a local Ward Member or an objector willing to speak for the group. The Chairman has the final decision as to who is allowed to speak.
How long will I be able to speak for?
The adopted 'probity in licensing guide' limits objector and applicant presentations to 10 minutes each. This time can be extended at the Chair's discretion.
What should I say?
People who submitted representations, either in support or in opposition to, an application cannot introduce any new material or points not already raised in their representation. Speakers may not enter into debate with Members, officers or each other, and the Chair will not allow cross-examination by any party.
How will public speaking work on the day?
A member of the democratic services team will welcome you into the chamber and show you where to sit. They will also explain how the microphone works and answer any other questions you may have.
When are the Committee minutes available for members of the public?
Draft minutes are published on the relevant committee page as soon as they are available.
Contact for further queries
If you have any queries concerning public speaking at Licensing Committee meetings, please contact Democratic Services on 01242 264130 or by emailing Democratic Services.