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Decisions published

09/07/2019 - Briefing from Cabinet Members ref: 1244    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/07/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 11/07/2019

Effective from: 09/07/2019


The Cabinet Member Development and Safety briefed Cabinet on the following:

  • the parking consultation ended on 4th July, with a report due in the September cycle with recommendations on how to proceed.
  • the HCA (Homes & Communities Agency) grant has been greenlit.
  • he drew attention to the success of Cheltenham’s night-time economy, with an award recently received for being the most diverse of its kind in the country.


The Cabinet Member Clean and Green Environment drew attention to the recent call-in on improvements to Household Recycling Centres which was considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 01/07/19. The chair, who had called in the decision, moved to support the decision, and this was agreed by the committee.

The Cabinet Member Finance recognised the council’s award for Best Commercial Council at the MJ awards also drew attention to the council’s award for Best Commercial Council at the MJ awards, praising its recent work and thanking everyone involved.

The Leader reported that the Chief Executive Pat Pratley had formally requested to retire in September, and that this had been accepted. He recognised her valued contribution to the council.

He also drew attention to the launch by Marketing Cheltenham of Cheltenham as a festival town, and wished to put on record his thanks to Marketing Cheltenham.


09/07/2019 - Climate Emergency ref: 1240    Recommendations Approved

To declare a climate change emergency in response to the motion at full Council


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/07/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 11/07/2019

Effective from: 19/07/2019




A climate emergency be declared.


Lead officer: Darren Knight

09/07/2019 - Financial outturn 2018/19 and Budget Monitoring Report April - June 2019 ref: 1241    Recommendations Approved

To consider the recommendations

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/07/2019 - Cabinet

Decision published: 11/07/2019

Effective from: 09/07/2019




1.    The financial outturn performance position for the General Fund be received, summarised at Appendix 2, and noted that services have been delivered within the revised budget for 2018/19 resulting in a saving (after carry forward requests) of £40,377.


Council be recommended to:


2.    Approve £18,300 of carry forward requests (requiring member approval) at Appendix 5.


3.    Approve the use of the budget saving of £40,377 as detailed in Section 3.


4.    Note the annual treasury management report at Appendix 7 and note the actual 2018/19 prudential and treasury indicators.


5.    Note the capital programme outturn position as detailed in Appendix 8 and approve the carry forward of unspent budgets into 2019/20 (section 7) and approve the virement of budgets in 2019/20 as set out in paragraphs 7.2 to 7.3.


6.    Note the position in respect of Section 106 agreements and partnership funding agreements at Appendix 9 (section 9).


7.    Note the outturn position in respect of collection rates for council tax and non-domestic rates for 2018/19 in Appendix 10 (section 10).


8.    Note the outturn position in respect of collection rates for sundry debts for 2018/19 in Appendix 11 (section 11).


9.    Receive the financial outturn performance position for the Housing Revenue Account for 2018/19 in Appendices 12 to 13 (as detailed in Section 12) and approves the carry forward, virement and reclassification of budgets in 2019/20 as set out in paragraphs 12.8 to 12.10.


10.Note the budget monitoring position to the end of June 2019 (section 13).

Lead officer: Paul Jones