Issue - decisions
Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report (as at end of February)
18/04/2013 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Report (as at end of February 2013)
- the contents of this report including the key
projected variances to the revised 2012/13 budget and the projected
total budget saving of £212,100 be noted.
- in principle, recommend to Council, as part of
the 2012/13 outturn report to Council on 24th June 2013,
that this projected budget saving be used to create a provision to
fund any additional expenditure relating to the new business rates
retention scheme and any possible future fluctuations on business
rates (paragraph 4.2).
- the write off of irrecoverable business rate debts totalling £68,587.90 (paragraph 4.3) be approved, noting that doing so does not impact adversely on the Council (paragraph 4.4).