Issue - decisions

Joint Waste Committee

15/11/2011 - Joint Waste Committee



(a)             the Financial case set out in (section 5) of the report be accepted, subject to explicit costing of the collection costs per household being agreed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Council Leader, Cabinet Member Sustainability and s151 Officer;

(b)            the establishment of the Gloucestershire Joint Waste Committee (GJWC) in accordance with Sections101 and 102 of the Local Government Act 1972, and the Local Authorities (Arrangement for the Discharge of Functions)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2001 made under Section 20 of the Local Government Act 2000 be agreed; 

(c)             authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Cabinet Member Sustainability, s151 Officer and the Borough Solicitor to finalise and complete the Inter Authority Agreement (including the Constitution), including but not limited to the delegation arrangement for enforcement, the year one Business Plan  and other documentation and to take all necessary steps to create the GWJC  by April 2012;

(d)            the existing Shadow Joint Waste Board and Programme Board arrangements will persist until the end of March 2012 to oversee this process.

(e)             the above recommendations (a) to (d) will not take effect until all the participating authorities referred to in section 1.2 of this report have passed resolutions equivalent  to recommendations (a) to (d) and if any one participating authority does not pass such resolutions then the revised financial model shall be reviewed by Cabinet.

Upon the establishment of the GJWC:

(f)               the delegation to the GJWC of this Council’s  functions in relation to the collection, management, disposal treatment, or recycling of waste and street cleansing described in detail in paragraph 4.1 of this report but subject to the retained decisions as set out in paragraph 4.2 of this report be authorised;

(g)            Gloucestershire County Council be appointed as Administering Authority to undertake the role  set out in 3.4  of the report;

(h)            Cllr Roger Whyborn and Cllr Steve Jordan be appointed to the GJWC.