Issue - decisions

To allocate the 3rd year UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) climate funding (total budget £87,944)

09/07/2024 - To allocate the 3rd year UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) climate funding (total budget £87,944)

To allocate the 3rd year UK SPF climate funding (a total budget of £87,944) to the following projects:




Retrofit engagement officer role


£25k to match fund £20k from South West Energy Hub as one of x3 retrofit coordinator roles (others for Forest of Dean & Cotswolds).

Retrofit supply chain engagement / market stimulation work


Exploring options around supply chain & skills /market across two partners (Business West & People Powered Retrofit - £10k contract each).

10 x Home energy assessments to add value to the UKSPF Future Fit Homes project


To allow more homeowners in the project access to full home energy reports.

Home energy improvement grants


To add value to Project - Offering homeowners a grant of up to £1000 towards retrofitting their properties. To support meeting project targets

Annual software license


To support adaptation piece of work

Zellar licenses


For 2024/25 – Cheltenham Zero project

School Changemaker Grants


Grants to support Cheltenham secondary schools to partake in the Sept 2024-July 2025 sustainability engagement program

Contribution to design code work


If this cannot be progressed due to resource constraints, to be used for the Tree Strategy 

Total cost


Budget (£87,973)