Issue - decisions

Cheltenham Ice Rink

04/04/2024 - Cheltenham Ice Rink



1.    the information about the outputs of the 2023-24 ice rink is noted;

2.    in advance of planning permission being considered by the Planning Committee and noting the costs and risks set out in this report, Cabinet approves that Cheltenham Borough Council leads the delivery of an ice rink in Cheltenham for the 2024-25 Christmas period;

3.    Subject to planning permission, extension to the contract for delivery and management of the Christmas Ice Rink at Imperial Gardens, Cheltenham for 12 months is approved;

4.    a total potential financial commitment as set out in section 4 of this report is approved;

5.    Cabinet notes that officers are progressing procurement and delegates appointments of contractors to the Director of Communities and Economic Development, as per section 5 of this report.