Issue - decisions

Social Housing Decarbonisation Grant Funding bid: Wave 2

13/10/2022 - Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund: Wave 2.1



1.     the inclusion of CBC in the consortium bid to be submitted by Stroud District Council for grant funding under SHDF Wave 2.1 be approved;


2.     authority be delegated to the Housing Strategy & Partnerships Manager, in consultation with Cabinet Members for Housing and Climate Emergency, and s.151 Officer, to agree to any uplift to CBC’s financial commitment in respect of this grant funding application if it significantly exceeds the anticipated £3m HRA commitment (as detailed within the report, and subject to any final approval by Council of the 2023/24 HRA budget in February 2023);


3.     authority be delegated to the Housing Strategy & Partnerships Manager, in consultation with Cabinet Members for Housing and Climate Emergency, to accept the said grant funding offer, if the bid is successful, and to enter into any agreements or documentation as necessary;


4.       authority be delegated to the Housing Strategy & Partnerships Manager to enter into a partnership agreement with Stroud District Council and the other consortium members, if the bid is successful.