Issue - decisions

Settlement of future residual waste disposal arrangements and management of environmental services

28/11/2018 - Settlement of future residual waste disposal arrangements and management of environmental services



1.    Payment be approved to Gloucestershire County Council of £50,000 per year for 3 years payable from the date that Cheltenham Borough Council’s residual waste commences transfer to proposed waste transfer facility locally and authority be delegated to the MD – Place and Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member - Clean and Green Environment and Borough Solicitor, to finalise the terms of the settlement agreement.

2.    Cheltenham Borough Council’s withdrawal from the Gloucestershire Joint Waste Committee be approved, by serving the requisite notice or by negotiated early termination and delegates authority to the MD – Place and Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member - Clean and Green Environment and Borough Solicitor, to take all necessary steps and enter into such agreements as appropriate to effect this withdrawal, including seeking observer status for Cheltenham Borough Council at Joint Waste Committee meetings in the same way as Stroud District Council and Gloucester City Council.

3.    Completing the establishment and funding (as set out in 3.9 and in the financial implications in this report) of an in-house team be approved to undertake the functions currently delegated to the JWC and to deliver:

(a) management of the environmental services contract (waste, recycling, street cleansing and grounds maintenance) currently delivered by UBICO; 

(b) development and delivery of an improvement programme, approved by members, for 12-18 months, that will present business cases for individual work streams which will be reported back to members as appropriate;

(c) transfer of all remaining functions from the Joint Waste Team to CBC by 31 March 2019, subject to early termination negotiations;