Issue - decisions

Final General Fund Revenue and Capital budget proposals 2018/19 (including Section 25)

15/02/2018 - Final General Fund Revenue and Capital budget proposals 2018/19 (including Section 25)

RESOLVED THAT it be recommended to Council to:

1.    Approve the revised budget for 2017/18.

2.    Consider the budget assessment by the Section 151 Officer at Appendix 2 in agreeing the following recommendations.

3.    Approve the final budget proposals including a proposed council tax for the services provided by Cheltenham Borough Council of £203.01 for the year 2018/19 (an increase of 2.99% or £5.89 a year for a Band D property), as detailed in paragraphs 4.26 to 4.30.

4.    Approve the growth proposals, including one off initiatives at Appendix 4.

5.    Approve the savings / additional income totalling £716,500 and the budget strategy at Appendix 5.

6.    Approve the use of reserves and general balances and note the projected level of reserves, as detailed at Appendix 6.

7.    Note that Gloucestershire was successful in becoming a 100% Business Rate Retention pilot in 2018/19 and propose that the additional revenue generated be earmarked for economic growth initiatives specific to Cheltenham (paragraphs 4.19 to 4.20).

8.    Approve the extension of grants to Cheltenham Performing Arts (£20,000) and the Holst Birthplace Trust (£7,500) for a further 3 years, as detailed in paragraph 5.12.

9.    Approve the deferral of the 2017/18 Cheltenham Trust management fee saving to 2019/20 and 2021/22 and provide for a contingency within the working balance of £150,000 for the Trust to drawdown (paragraphs 5.13 to 5.18).

10.  Approve the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19, including the continued payment of a living wage supplement at Appendix 9.

11.  Approve a level of supplementary estimate of £100,000 for 2018/19 as outlined in Section 13.