Issue - decisions

Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Walking and Cycling Task Group - Cabinet Response

14/01/2016 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Walking and Cycling Task Group - Cabinet Response



1.    the direction of travel in the Walking and Cycling Task Group’s recommendations be endorsed and the Cabinet Responses identified at Appendix 2 be agreed


2.    That, in respect of the responses at Appendix 2:


2.1  a Delivery Programme is submitted to Cabinet in Summer 2016, the Programme to identify resource and budgetary implications and a timeline for implementation.

2.2  implementation can commence in advance of the Delivery Programme where the impact of a recommendation is consistent with current work-streams and policies and is deliverable within existing staff and budgetary resources;

2.3  implementation can commence in advance of the Delivery Programme in respect of the cycling and walking champion; and

2.4  implementation can commence in advance of the Delivery Programme in respect of the Cheltenham Cycling and Walking Advisory Group – terms of reference at Appendix 3.