Issue - decisions

Affordable Housing Partnership-Preferred Partners

18/06/2015 - Affordable Housing Partnership and Preferred Providers



1.    an Affordable Housing Partnership be established with Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council to oversee the delivery of affordable homes across the Strategic Allocation Sites within the Joint Core Strategy area over the JCS Plan Period.


2.    a list of preferred providers of affordable housing be established for a period of up to 5 years across the Strategic Allocation Sites within the Joint Core Strategy Area jointly with Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council.


3.    authority be delegated to the Lead Commissioner, Housing Services to evaluate and select Preferred Providers for the delivery and/or management of new affordable housing on the Strategic Allocation Sites, noting that the selection will be carried out jointly with Gloucester City and Tewkesbury Borough Councils and that the Councils will enter into a memorandum of understanding with the preferred providers.