Committee details
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Purpose of committee
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee (O&S) has statutory powers to scrutinise decisions the executive is planning to take, those it plans to implement, and those that have already been taken or implemented. O&S can enable improvements to be made to policies or the implementation of those policies, and also has an important role to play in developing policy and improving performance.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will:
· Provide constructive ‘critical friend’ challenge to the executive;
· Amplify the voices and concerns of the public;
· Be led by independent people who take responsibility for their role; and
· Drive improvement in public services in Cheltenham.
If you would like to know more about how Overview and Scrutiny operates in the Borough you may find the set of scrutiny guidelines that have been developed useful. These are in the process of being updated (June 2021).
More information about what has been achieved through Overview and Scrutiny in recent years is contained in the Overview and Scrutiny Annual reports;
If you would like the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to set up a task group to look at a *particular issue then you can contact your Ward Councillor who can put forward the topic on your behalf.
* Please note that there is a limit to the amount of task groups that can be in operation at any one time and it will be for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to decide whether it can investigate the issues that you suggest. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee cannot deal with Planning or Licensing matters or complaints as there are other processes for dealing with them.
Are you interested in a particular agenda item?
Why not attend a meeting to find out more and see the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in action.
Meeting dates/times (past, present and future) are advertised on our website, along with agendas and reports.
Perhaps you are interested in a review that a Task Group is about to undertake and you would like to contribute your views on the matter. You can do this by contacting democratic services, however, it is best if you can provide these comments at an early stage of any review in order that the Task Group can consider them properly.
- Councillor Tabi Joy (Chair)
- Councillor Jackie Chelin (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Frank Allen
- Councillor Graham Beale
- Councillor Julia Chandler
- Councillor Chris Day
- Councillor Juan Carlos Garcia Clamp
- Councillor Sandra Holliday
- Councillor Richard Pineger
- Councillor Stan Smith
Contact information
Support officer: Democratic Services. 01242 264246