Agenda item



The Licensing Team Leader, Louis Krog, introduced the report regarding an application from Mr Nathan Worden for a street trading consent to sell hot and cold drinks, cakes and pastries from a Piaggio Ape 50 van on the High Street near the junction of Pittville Street.  Mr Worden had applied for an annual consent from 07:00 – 15:00 Monday to Friday and 10:00 to 15:00 on Saturday and Sunday.  Appendix 1  showed the location of the proposed trading pitch and Appendix 2 gave an image of the Piaggio Ape 50 van together with supporting documentation.


The Officer drew members’ attention to the Council’s policy on street trading in the town centre and conservation areas as set out in 3.3 and 3.4 of the report and advised that members needed to be satisfied that the location was suitable and complied with the Street Scene policy.  The Officer advised that there were no objections and that the Officer recommendation was to grant the application with the reasons set out in 6.1 of the report.


The Officer reported that Mr Worden was unable to attend the hearing but was happy for the committee to discuss the matter in his absence.


The Chair reminded members of the requirement to decide whether the application was of general benefit to the town of Cheltenham.


In response to a question from a member, the Officer informed the committee that there were no similar licensed vans in this particular area of the town centre, although there was one on the Promenade.  He continued that there was only a seasonal ice cream trader in this part of the High Street in the summer.  The Officer circulated a map showing the location of other street traders in the town centre.  In reply to a question on litter, the Officer pointed out that the applicant had addressed this in his supporting documentation, stating that he would have a litter receptacle and would take it away each day.


Some members expressed concern about the location of the van from a road and public safety aspect, stating that it was near a busy road junction used by many pedestrians and also as a drop off point, and near a bicycle rack, a bench and a lamp and felt that this was a very congested corner which was not ideal for the selling of food and drinks.    Another member felt that it didn’t enhance the town as a leisure and tourist destination, as it didn’t offer anything extra that was not already provided for nearby and felt it cluttered up the area and was a potential safety issue.


The Officer advised that there had not been any objections from Gloucestershire Highways.


The Chair felt that this application did little harm and maybe enhanced the area.  As there were no further questions, the Chair moved to vote on this application to trade on the High Street near the junction of Pittville Street.


Upon a vote, it was 2 for, 6 against.


RESOLVED THAT, Mr Worden’s application for a street trading consent be refused as it did not enhance the town’s reputation as a tourist and leisure destination and did not comply with the Council’s Street Scene Policy on the grounds of site location.

Supporting documents: