Agenda item


Coffee & Co, 7 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham, GL50 1US


Louis Krog, Licensing and Business Support Team Leader, introduced the report as circulated with the agenda.  An application had been received from Mr Mannan in respect of Coffee& Co, 7 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham to place 4 tables and 8 chairs on the pavement directly outside the premises.


If granted the tables and chairs would be placed outside from 07.30 to 23.59 on Monday to Sunday.


Appendix A of the report provided a plan of the layout of the premises, showing the position of the tables and chairs.

Appendix B of the report included a map showing the location of the premises in relation to the objectors’ properties.


The officer advised Members that no objections had been received from the consultees but two residents had submitted objections which were attached to Appendix C of the report.


The objections related to the potential for the use of tables and chairs at this location to cause a noise nuisance, an obstruction to the public, a hazard to traffic and the public and the potential over-development of the area due to other nearby tables and chairs.


The officer reminded Members that they had previously granted permission for 4 tables and 8 chairs at this location, but this permission had expired. He advised them that they must deal with this new application on its own merits.


In response to questions from Members the officer made the following responses:

  • the only change to the original application was the later start time of half an hour in the morning.
  • although licensing officers consulted with planning officers he advised that the licensing and planning processes were entirely separate. Any objections to the planning application for these premises would be considered by the Planning Committee. 


Miss Badat attended the Committee and spoke in support of the application. She confirmed that the application was for table and chairs on the highway and there was no change in any other activity. They did not intend to sell a great deal of wines or stay open late so she was confident that they would not disturb local residents.


In response to a question from a Member she confirmed that the business was not planning to use the tables and chairs after 9 p.m. but this permission, if granted, would be in line with their liquor licence.


A Member highlighted that the tables and chairs were sometimes used by the Thai Brasserie next door after the business had closed. The applicant advised that this was also her business. She said that this should not have been happening and gave her apologies and agreed to advise staff that this should not happen.


Members were advised they had two recommendations to determine as follows;


  1. The application be approved because Members feel the application is compatible with the current street scene policy, or.
  2. The application be refused as the application falls outside the provision of the current street scene policy.


Upon a vote it was unanimously

RESOLVED that the application be approved because Members feel the application is compatible with the current street scene policy.


Supporting documents: