Agenda item

Consultation on a new Management Agreement and proposals to change the composition of the board of directors of Cheltenham Borough Homes

Report of the Leader


The Leader of the Council introduced the report and explained the Board of CBH had been undertaking some detailed work in moving the organisation forward, building on its success over the last 10 years. There was a desire to continue to deliver the current new build programme as well as identifying further opportunities for developing and delivering affordable/social housing and expanding its existing services to meet the needs of the community.


The Leader explained that in light of the above the CBH Board had also been considering its current governance arrangements, including potential changes to its board composition and updating its management agreement, to facilitate/underpin the future direction of travel. Proposals included extending the life of the current management agreement and advice received suggested that a 30 year period would provide stablility in terms of planning for the future. In addition reducing the CBH Board size to 10 was proposed. There would continue to be 2 Council nominated members and 3 tenant representatives including one leaseholder. This model was deemed to be a practical size for today’s conditions.


The Leader highlighted that it would also be important for Members to consider the future role for CBH in the context of the Vision 2020 project as there may be potential for CBH and CBC to consider how they may collectively address financial pressures over the extended life of the management agreement.


The Leader then explained that all proposals were subject to a 6 week consultation period and a report would be brought back to Cabinet in September on the outcome of the consultation. In the meantime notice would be given to the Secretary of State as consent would be required.


The Leader reiterated the positive relationship CBC had with CBH.





That subject to consultation :


1.1  the strategic direction of the CBH business plan be endorsed


1.2 the principle of amending the term and content of the Management Agreement, as outlined in section 3 be endorsed, in order to facilitate the delivery of the CBH and HRA business plans;


1.3       the principle of reducing the CBH board size from 15 to 10 as outlined in section 4 of the report be endorsed;


1.4  the principle of changing the composition of the CBH board to facilitate the delivery of the CBH and HRA business plans be endorsed.


That :


2.1 the Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to make early contact with the Secretary of State and to undertake, in conjunction with CBH, consultation with tenants, leaseholders and other stakeholders for a minimum of 6 weeks in relation to the proposed changes to the CBH board and the management agreement.


2.2     the relevant Directors from CBC and the Chief Executive of CBH be requested to consider options for further collaboration for sourcing support services over the period of the extended management agreement


2.3     a further report be brought back to the September 2014 Cabinet for endorsement on the outcome of the consultation together with any proposed changes before seeking the Secretary of State’s consent in accordance with s27 Housing Act 1985.

Supporting documents: