Agenda item


Mr Shamsuz Zaman


Amelia Byres, Senior Licensing Officer introduced the report as circulated with the agenda.  An application had been received from Mr Shamsuz Zaman for a Hackney Carriage driver’s licence.


Mr Zaman has convictions on his driving licence, details of which are contained in the enclosed background papers.


Amelia Byres advised the Committee that Mr Zaman attended the Licensing Committee in January 2012 with the same application.  The same points were on Mr Zaman’s driving licence as shown in the background papers then.  All facts were the same as then, his penalty points would be removed from his DVLA drivers licence in November 2013.


Members asked the following Officer questions.


  • When asked, Amelia Byres confirmed that Mr Zaman did not have passengers at the time of the offence.  He was using the vehicle for personal use whilst being insured for business purposes only
  • A Member stated that Mr Zaman had used a vehicle whilst on trade plates for business use without the correct insurance.
  • When asked, Amelia Byres advised Members that the Policy states there should be 5 years free from conviction.
  • When asked, Amelia Byres confirmed that Mr Zaman is currently a licensed taxi driver with Gloucester City Council.


Mr Zaman attended the Committee and spoke in support of his application.  He explained that he thought he was insured for business use when using the vehicle on trade plates, this was a misconception.  As detailed in the interview notes in the background papers, Mr Zaman stated that he thought the vehicle had been registered under the businesses trade licence.  This was a mistake on his behalf and had no other penalty points since then.  Mr Zaman said his DVLA points would be removed from his licence soon as nearly 4 years has passed since the date of the offence.


Members asked the following questions:


  • Amelia Byres clarified to Members that Mr Zaman’s DVLA penalty points would be removed from his licence after 4 years had lapsed.  The adopted Policy states that the applicant should have 5 years free of convictions. 
  • A Member suggested if granted, that the licence should be for 12 months only.  Amelia Byres referred Members to point 4.4 of the report which advised Members if they are minded to grant the licence, they have the option of granting a 1 year or 3 year licence.
  • The Chairman agreed with the member if granted, the licence should be approved for 1 year with Officer delegation to renew subject to a clear DBS check and DVLA driver’s licence.


In summing up Mr Zaman advised the Committee that he had learnt his lesson and had suffered as a result of his penalty points.  He said he had been a taxi driver for Gloucester City Council for 3 and a half years, he was now a more sensible driver and if this licence was granted he would respect and adhere to the conditions.


Members had the following recommendations to vote on:


  1. The Committee is recommended to resolve that Mr Zaman’s application be granted as Mr Zaman is a fit and proper person or
  2. that the application be refused on the grounds that Mr Zaman is deemed not to be a fit and proper person.


Upon a vote, it was (9 for and 1 abstention)


RESOLVED that Mr Zaman’s application be granted for 1 year as Mr Zaman is a fit and proper person.   Officers are given delegated authority to renew the licence subject to a clear DBS check and DVLA driver’s licence.


Supporting documents: