Agenda item

Accommodation Strategy

Report of the Cabinet Member Finance


The Cabinet Member Finance introduced the report and said that as this was a significant issue it was considered that full Council should have an opportunity to discuss it.


He explained that it had become necessary to expand the current remit for alternative accommodation. Staff numbers in 2016/17 were estimated to be 220 as a result of further commissioning and restructuring of services. This meant that less than half of the space in the current Municipal Offices would be required which was wasteful in terms of maintenance and general overheads. In addition the current office space was not suited to modern working methods.


The Cabinet Member Finance explained that officers had been active in looking for alternative accommodation for some time within the existing remit.

Expanding the current brief would open up options for officers to consider new purpose built accommodation, the potential of a split site and provide opportunities for the current Municipal Offices.  He added that it was the intention to retain the freehold of the Municipal Offices and the frontage of the building should be preserved and protected. He paid tribute to the hard work of officers in seeking the right opportunities at the right price and emphasised that the programme board was committed to finding a solution to enhance the town and best serve the public.


Some Members questioned why Council was being asked for a view when it had no decision to make. In response the Cabinet Member Finance reiterated that its role was to endorse the brief recently updated by Cabinet. When asked whether the Municipal Offices could somehow be divided up to be more fit for purpose for office space, the Cabinet Member Finance explained that this would only be possible at considerable cost and with the move towards more flexible working and hot desking this was not being considered as an option. Assurance was also sought with regard to the future of the current building and the Cabinet Member Finance explained that the Municipal Offices would not be left vacant for any period of time so there would be some form of synchronisation of the council moving out and new occupiers moving in. In response to a question regarding potential new accommodation at the Royscott building which had underground parking, the Cabinet Member Finance reassured members that every opportunity for alternative accommodation was being taken into account.


Whilst Members recognised the commitment of officers in seeking a solution, some commented on the waste of time and money spent over the last two years on working to the restrictive remit. They welcomed however the plan to seek an independent source of income from the Municipal Offices and thought this should be thoroughly explored. Members had mixed views as to whether a high street presence was still important. Examples were given of reduced footfall where neighbouring authorities had moved out of town but with modern, accessible (particularly for the elderly and the disabled) and online services the need appeared to be less and if the service was available in a ward around the town it would be considered as genuinely local. Reference was made to those neighbouring authorities who had moved out of the town centre where there had been no decrease in customer satisfaction levels and services were being provided in a more cost-effective and accessible way. They also believed it was important to explore options for sharing facilities with other public bodies. In having the whole discussion in the public domain the public should now understand better why the remit was being widened. Members also commented on the current accommodation being a poor vehicle for proper debate and the public gallery was considered to be ill suited for the needs of the public. A member emphasised that Asset Management Working Group had been kept informed of progress with the accommodation strategy and this was a cross party working group.


In summing up the Cabinet Member Finance acknowledged the views which had been expressed but wished to reassure the town that any decisions on future accommodation would be made on sound financial evidence and with a sound respect of historic buildings in the town. There had been a change in attitude from both the public and councillors over the last three years and he hoped that a satisfactory solution would be found soon.


RESOLVED ( with one abstention)


That the current situation be noted and the expanded brief set out in the report be endorsed.


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