Agenda item


Home Bargains, Unit 2, Golden Valley Retail Park, Cheltenham.



The meeting was delayed until 10.16 due to discussions between the applicant and the Police with regard to agreeing conditions.


David Crank – Solicitor for T J Morris, Tony Steed – T J Morris Compliances Manger and Jason Davidge – Regional Manager attended the committee to speak in support of their application.


David McFarlane – Senior Harm Reduction Officer and Inspector Tim Waterhouse attended the committee to support their representation.


An application had been received from T J Morris Limited, trading as Home Bargains in respect of Unit 2, Golden Valley Retail Park, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham.  A copy of the application is included at Appendix A of the report.


The applicant has applied for a premises licence for the following licensable activities:


Sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises every day between 08.00 and 22.00.


Gloucestershire Constabulary had objected  to the application on the grounds of:

  • The protection of children from harm
  • The prevention of crime and disorder


A copy of the representation is at page 31 of the report.


David Crank advised the committee that efforts had been made to agree a mediated solution regarding conditions of the premises licence and this had been done this morning.


David Crank referred the committee to page 35 of the report and confirmed that conditions 1 – 5 had all been agreed.  A further two conditions where agreed in place of numbers 6 and 7 conditions.  A list of the agreed conditions to be placed on the premises licence is as follows:


  1. The Challenge 25 Scheme shall be adopted.
  2. The premises shall operate a system of till prompts to assist colleagues determining the age of customers purchasing age-restricted products.
  3. Alcohol shall only be displayed in direct line of sight of the main till.
  4. Unless behind a sales counter, alcohol shall not be displayed within 5 metres of the main entrance/exit.
  5. A CCTV system consisting of at least 4 cameras shall be installed at the premises.  At least 1 camera shall cover the alcohol display and at least 1 camera shall cover the main entrance to the premises.  The CCTV system shall be maintained in good working order, shall record at all times the premises are open, and recordings shall be kept for a minimum of 14 days and be proved on DVD to Officers of the Council, Trading Standards or Police on request.
  6. The store will not sell products containing more than 25% alcohol by volume unless the product is behind the counter.
  7. The premises will partake in the radio day safe safety scheme and attend any meetings.


Sarah Farooqi, Solicitor asked for confirmation from Gloucestershire Constabulary as to whether as a result of these discussions their representation was now being withdrawn.


David McFarlane confirmed that yes the representation from Gloucestershire Constabulary was withdrawn subject to the conditions being agreed.


Following the withdrawal of the representation by Gloucestershire Constabulary it was confirmed that the premises licence would be granted subject to the conditions set out in the operating schedule and those agreed with Gloucestershire Constabulary.



Supporting documents: